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Receives SEK 15 million: Will create degradable plastic – from algae
Published: 2024-09-20

Biomass from algae is converted into plastic used in lamps and packaging.

Forever chemicals persist through waste incineration
Published: 2024-09-19

Common PFAS substances are difficult to capture once they have entered the environment, new thesis shows.

Joint field work furthers research on chemicals in Arctic waters
Published: 2024-09-18

A research group conducted joint field work with USA in Abisko and Lake Torneträsk to collect HNP samples.

Investigates a potential drug against Cryptospodirium
Published: 2024-09-04

Antonio's work focuses on the chemical and structural mode of action of the novel drug at molecular level .

15 November: UCMR Distinguished Guest Seminar: Matthew Bogyo
Published: 2024-09-02

Matthew lectures on chemical probes for imaging cancer and infectious diseases.

Discovery explains the chemistry behind the cell's energy molecule
Published: 2024-08-28

Research shows how the magnesium atom directs the chemistry that catalyzes the production of ATP in a cell.

Promising results for new antibiotic in tests on mice
Published: 2024-08-09

Effective against serious infections, according to new study.

Details of photosynthesis revealed with record-breaking images
Published: 2024-07-01

Cryo.electronmicroscopy reveals the positions of hydrogen atoms and water molecules in photosynthesis.

Research breakthrough opens the door to more studies of protein movements
Published: 2024-06-18

Breakthrough in research enables more experiments than ever before on vital processes inside cells.

Virus expert spreads knowledge at the university
Published: 2024-06-04

The UCMR community welcomed professor Emma Thomson to a summer warm Umeå for networking and talk.

Latest update: 2020-02-04