Swedish name: Engelska, Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, litteraturvetenskaplig inriktning
This syllabus is valid: 2024-08-05 and until further notice
Course code: 1EN083
Credit points: 15
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
English: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements, contains degree project for Bache...
Grading scale: Three-grade scale
Responsible department: Department of Language Studies
Revised by: Head of Department of Language Studies, 2024-03-19
An independent study of a delimited research question in English literary studies. The study is presented in English in the form of a thesis which adheres to generally accepted research principles regarding content and format. The course also includes feedback on other students' theses. The choice of topic is made in consultation with the supervisor.
The course is divided into three modules:
Module 1: Research plan, 2 credits
Problem formulation and design of a research plan and a preliminary biography
Module 2: Implementation of the research project, 5 credits
Presentation and defence of a carefully prepared draft of their own thesis at a seminar, and opposition on the work of another student.
Module 3: Research report, 8 credits
An independent project in English literary studies based on the approved research plan, and opposition on another student's thesis.
To be awarded a Pass grade, the student should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
Competence and skills
Judgement and approach
Univ: At least 75 ECTS in the academic subject English, including 15 ECTS with academic progression (corresponding to level 61-90 hp in the Swedish academic system), and of the latter at least 7.5 ECTS must be in English literature, or equivalent knowledge.
Teaching is conducted in English and consists of an introduction to the work on the thesis, individual tutoring and compulsory seminars.
The course is wholly or partly net-based and comprises three compulsory seminars. These can be attended online, but physical presence is recommended for the final seminar.
All examination is conducted in English.
Module 1: Research plan, 2 credits
Examination consists of assessment of the research plan by the examiner.
Module 2: Implementation of the research project, 5 credits
Examination consists of assessment of the preliminary research report by the supervisor.
Module 3: Research report, 8 credits
Examination consists of assessment of the finished thesis. Students must have presented and defended a thesis which meets the requirements of the expected learning outcomes and acted as the opponent on another thesis. The assessment is done by the examiner.
The examiner can decide on deviations from the modes of examination in the syllabus for a student who has been determined eligible for pedagogical support due to a disability. Individual adjustments to the mode of examination will be made on the basis of the student's needs. The mode of examination will be adjusted in relation to the expected learning outcomes. Student in need of Individual adjustments to the mode of examination, should request this at the department no later than 10 days before the examination. The examiner makes a decision based on the request, and the decision is communicated to the student.
In order to commence studies on Module 2, students must have achieved a Pass grade in Module 1, and to be awarded a Pass grade in Module 3, they must have achieved that grade in Module 2.
Grades awarded in Modules 1 and 2 are Pass (Godkänd (G)) or Fail (Underkänd (U)). Grades awarded in Module 3 are Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd (VG)), Pass (Godkänd (G)) or Fail (Underkänd (U)).
Grades awarded for the whole course are Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd (VG)) or Pass (Godkänd (G)). In order to be awarded a Pass with distinction on the whole course, a student must have achieved this grade in Module 3.
A student who has been awarded a Pass grade cannot be re-examined.
A student who has not received a Pass grade on an exam has the right to re-take the exam (a re-sit) on a course on which they have ever been registered. The first re-sit shall be offered no later than two months after the regular exam, but no earlier than ten working days after the result of that exam has been announced. For tests held in May or June, the first re-sit may be offered within three months of the regular exam. The date for the re-sit shall be announced no later than in conjunction with the regular exam. At least one more re-sit shall be offered within a year of the regular exam.
In cases where an exam cannot be repeated according to the rules in effect regarding re-sits, it will be replaced with another task. The scope and content of such a task should be reasonably proportionate to the missed exam.
An examiner may decide that a student who has not quite met the examination requirements, but is close to a Pass grade, be given the opportunity to take a supplementary examination to achieve the Pass grade. Such an examination shall be individually tailored to the goal(s) that the student has not met, and shall be arranged within two weeks after the result of the examination has been announced, but before the next examination session. A supplementary examination can only raise a Fail grade to a Pass grade; award of a grade higher than Pass is not allowed. If the student so wishes, they have the right to take a re-sit instead of a supplementary examination, which gives them the opportunity to achieve a Pass with Distinction.
The final date for the submission/completion of assignments falls on the last day of the semester, unless otherwise stated by the teacher. All assignments need to be completed or submitted within the time frame set by the teacher in order to be considered for examination, otherwise they must be completed over again.
In the event of a decision that the course will no longer be offered, or if the syllabus has been revised, students are guaranteed at least three exams (including the regular one) based on the previous syllabus during a time of no more than two years after the previous syllabus ceased to apply or the decision was made that the course no longer be offered.