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Master Thesis in Economics I, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Masteruppsats i nationalekonomi I

This syllabus is valid: 2022-01-03 and until further notice

Course code: 2NE049

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Economics: Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (60 credits)

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Economics

Revised by: Rector of Umeå School of Business and Economics, 2021-10-28


The course consists of three modules.

Module 1: The basics of essay writing (1 credit)
The course starts with a lecture which covers the basics of thesis writing. It also consists of a seminar where students present their own ideas and participate in constructive discussions on both their own and other students’ thesis ideas.

Module 2: Essay writing (13 credits)
Supported by a supervisor appointed by the department, the student writes the thesis, which in exceptional cases can be written together with another student. The goal of the thesis is for the student to develop skills in formulating research questions, and use economic theory and method to draw reasonable conclusions. An important part of the module is to develop the ability to present one’s results in writing.

Module 3: Seminars (1 credit)
During the seminars at the end of the course every student will present and defend his or her own thesis. In addition, the student should be the main opponent for another student’s thesis and side opponent for another two theses.

Expected learning outcomes

Module 1:
After finishing the module, the student is expected to be able to

  • Assess and constructively discuss other students work, give suggestions for improvements and critically reflect on one’s own thesis ideas.

Module 2:
After finishing the module, the student is expected to be able to

  • Identify and formulate an economic research question and relate this to previous research.
  • Independently choose, motivate and apply relevant theory and method, and organize the thesis to answer the research question posed.
  • Analyze, present and motivate one’s conclusions from a personally conducted study.
  • Write a thesis which follows the guidelines, contains proper grammar and spelling, and is finished within the given timeframe.

Module 3:
After finishing the module, the student is expected to be able to

  • Orally and with the help of relevant technical tools present once scientific results and be able to argue for one’s conclusions.
  • Orally discuss other students works and provide constructive criticism in dialogue with others.

Required Knowledge

90 credits of which 75 credits in economics including 15 credits bachelor courses (G2F). Additionally, Mathematical Economics I D7 or the equivalent. Proficiency in English equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary course English 6.

Form of instruction

The teaching is conducted in the form of lectures, seminars and individual supervision.

Examination modes

The examination takes place in the form of smaller assignments, partly in the form of active participation and presentation at seminars and through a written essay. In module one and three, the grades are fail or pass. In the second module, the grade is fail, pass, or pass with distinction. Students that pass the course cannot be re-examined for the higher grade. To obtain the grade pass for the entire course, all three modules must be passed. In addition, for the grade pass with distinction, it is required that the second module (essay writing) is graded pass with distinction.  

Students who not pass on the first and third modules, are entitled to a supplementary examination in close proximity to these. A student who has failed the second module is entitled to submit a revised thesis by a resubmission deadline after summer.
When a student has failed an examination on two occasions, he or she has a right to have another grading teacher. A written request for an alternative examiner should be handed to the Dean of the Business School.

Credit transfer
Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.