Module 1 Perspectives on Strategy (7,5 ECTS credits) The first core course examines various perspectives on strategy, providing a platform for the courses to follow. The aim of the course is to provide students with a comprehensive and current knowledge on strategy in organizations.
Module 2: Entrepreneurship and Business Growth (7,5 ECTS credits) A key challenge for existing organisations as well as start-ups is to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit, consolidate the business activities and create growth. This course focuses on building, managing, and growing an organisation to balance demands of efficiency, sustainability and entrepreneurial activity. Main themes concern: business models; organisational architecture; leadership, and control systems for entrepreneurial companies. Students develop a business model for a growing business.
Module 3: Managing Networks and Internationalisation (7,5 ECTS credits) This course highlights how to manage firms' inter-organisational relationships, both on the home market and on the global and international arena. Key themes are therefore: building and maintaining networks and network relationships; understanding and meeting competition from existing incumbents as well as new entrants, creating a strategy for internationalisation; and analysing how governments through public policies and institutions influence business activity in different national settings. Practical business experiences are covered in this course. During the module, students work with and analyse or plan a business' network relationships and internationalisation processes.
Module 4 Strategizing in Business Development (7,5 ECTS credits) In this course, the knowledge from the previous courses are amalgamated in an overall strategic perspective. This course moves from a largely theoretical focus to a more applied problem-solving approach, in which lectures and literature are combined with "real business strategy" in project works inspired by guest lecturers and corporate representatives.