Breakfast meeting about international cooperation possibilities
Monday 17 June, 2024at 08:30 - 10:30
Rotundan, Universum
Welcome to a breakfast meeting about international cooperation opportunities within Across EU (European University Cooperation), Arctic Centre (ARCUM), MIRAI (Japan), SKERIC (South Korea), SASUF (South Africa), Swetaly (Italy) and Baltic University Programme (BUP), as well as other opportunities for research funding.
When: Monday 17 June at 8:30-10:30
Where: Rotundan, Universum Unfortunately there's no possibility to attend the meeting digitally. Sign up no later than 13 June.
Now we invite you as researchers and other interested parties to a morning where you will learn more about various university-wide internationalization projects and how you can find opportunities for collaboration in the various countries to which the projects are connected. We offer a breakfast buffet to all registrants.
Umeå University participates in university-wide collaboration projects within Europe (Across EU), the Arctic Region, Japan, South Korea, South Africa, The Baltic Sea region and Italy. The projects include both research and educational collaborations.
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Katrin Riklund is opening up the session. You will also hear about the various projects via coordinators and researchers. The Research Support and Collaboration Office (FOS) will also talk about other opportunities to apply for research funding.
Register by 13th June via the form below so we know how much breakfast to order.