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Ethics, climate and health

Time Thursday 22 September until Friday 23 September, 2022 at 13:00 - 12:00
Place Umeå Folkets Hus. Tonsalen

Conference on Ethical Perspectives on Health Impacts of Climate Change. Topics include Arctic well-being, global health, ecocide, climate justice, and more.

The effects and consequences of climate change are systemic and far-reaching. Public health will be affected by climate change as a consequence of increased temperatures, rising sea levels, and warming oceans. New health risks will emerge, from changes to the natural world, such as carriers of viruses and diseases and other related aspects, including the effects on human and animal habitats. What are the most pressing ethical challenges when it comes to health affected by climate change? What are our responsibilities towards future generations? What will justice in health and equal access to health care mean in a future world affected by climate change? What would rethinking justice in health within planetary limits on a heating planet look like? What are the particular vulnerabilities and responsibilities from a Nordic point of view with regards to climate change and public health?  

Welcome to two half days dedicated to the theme Ethical Perspectives on Health Impacts of Climate Change. We have invited some of the most prominent researchers from the Nordics and beyond, from fields such as in bioethics, medical epidemiology, global and urban health, moral philosophy, as well as an award-winning Icelandic writer and film director. What they all have in common is that they have in various ways, raised issues related to climate change in their fields. They will share their research and their reflections in the form of presentations and conversations. There will be opportunities to raise questions.

The conference is a collaboration with the Nordic Bioethics Committee. All talks will be in English.



The conference is open to all interested parties with the option of attending both physically or via Zoom. It is also possible to participate only in parts of the program.
N.B. Registration is required, the deadline for registration is September 13.

More information, program, and registration can be found at nordforsk.org

Please not that individual slots in the program may change order at short notice, so please check the latest updated version via the link above for the latest update.

Event type: Conference