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Higher Seminar: Anna-Britt Coe

Time Wednesday 12 May, 2021 at 10:15 - 12:00
Place Zoom

Welcome to a seminar where Anna-Britt Coe, Department of Sociology, will present her work in progress with the title:

Everyday violence and the political realities of unsafety within young adults´ activism in Sweden

Two distinct approaches to violence can be located in research on youth political practice. The first approach focuses on violence that young adults are exposed to or perpetrate independently of their political practice, which is studied by youth civic engagement scholarship. The second approach focuses on violence that young adults are exposed to or perpetrate during their political practice, which is examined by scholarship on youth protest movements and youth electoral participation. Both approaches are mainly concerned with explicit forms of violence and overlook everyday forms of violence. This article aims to advance this third approach while integrating it with the first two approaches. It draws upon a study of how young adults created meanings and actions of safety within their activism conducted in three cities in Sweden. Our findings show how the young adult activist created safety by defining and addressing the social and political realities of unsafety. Whereas social realities were found in all three cities, political realities were only raised in one. This article mainly focuses on these latter findings. By comparing spatial, temporal and organizational elements of the three cities, we suggest possible reasons for the difference between them.

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The seminar will be send through zoom. Employees at the department will get the link by e-mail. If you want to participate and are not employed - send an e-mail to sara.kalucza@umu.se or josefina.frech@umu.se

Event type: Seminar
Staff photo Anna-Britt Coe
Anna-Britt Coe
Associate professor (on leave), other position
Read about Anna-Britt Coe