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Linnéa Gyllinberg - IceLab Seminar

Time Monday 20 May, 2024 at 14:00 - 15:00
Place IceLab

Please join us in IceLab to listen to a talk from visiting researcher Linnéa Gyllinberg.

Title: Mathematical models of basal cognition

Abstract: Building mathematical models of brains is difficult because of the sheer complexity of the problem. One potential approach is to start by identifying models of basal cognition, which give an abstract representation of a range of organisms without central nervous systems, including fungi, slime moulds, and bacteria. In this talk, I will first discuss the cognitive abilities of the true slime mould, Physarum polycephalum. Despite being an acelluar orgnaism, the true slime mould demonstrates habituation, finds shortest paths between food sources, and anticipates periodic events. I will then present a mathematical model for basal cognition that combines oscillatory and current-based reinforcement processes to mimic some of the cognitive abilities observed in slime moulds and other organisms demonstrating basal cognition.  

Date and time: May 20, 2024, 14:00

Location: IceLab Living Room

No Registration: Drop-in to IceLab in person or in zoom: 612 568 7586

Event type: Seminar

Linnéa Gyllinberg

Linné Gyllinberg is a Doctoral student at the Department of Mathematics; Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Uppsala University, within the Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics.

Read more about Linnéa on her personal website.


Åke Brännström
Read about Åke Brännström