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Image: Maja Gagner

Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics! We teach mathematics and mathematical statistics to a wide range of students and are dedicated to providing high-quality education and research opportunities for our students. We conduct research and research training in computational sciences, mathematics, and mathematical statistics in an attractive and highly dynamic research environment.


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Olivier Keech, Sebastian Diehl, Yun-Ting Jang and Jonas Westin sit at a conference table and smile at the camera. Behind them is a whiteboard with project plans sketched out.
IceLab opens project call for shared postdoctoral fellows

Project proposals can be submitted until May 27th and an information session is available April 29th.

Jakob Hultgren speaks facing a seated crowd , to the side of him is a screen showing text: Insert favorite scientific problem here.
Insert favorite scientific problem here

In search of collaborators after the March 13 Lunch Pitch.

Five people standing in front of a wallpaper of a forest with birds
New faculty for Stress Response Modeling excellence center

IceLab seeks faculty for Stress Response Modeling excellence center.

Profiles and Features

IT manager returns to his roots in the Industrial Doctoral School

Region Västerbotten is investing in AI research in close collaboration with the University.

Visiting professor André de Roos shakes up established ideas in theoretical ecology

Mathematicians call him ecologist, ecologists a mathematician. André is a comfortable interdisciplinaire.

The electoral system decides the winner

Klas Markström studies how election system setups affect the results.