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On the intersection between old age/aging and ethnicity/race

Time Thursday 21 February, 2019 at 13:00 - 14:00
Place 4th floor, The Seminar Room Fatmomakke, Northern Behavioural Sciences Building

Professon Sandra Torres, Uppsala University, is visiting CEDAR and giving a seminar on parts of her forthcomming book: "Ethnicity & Old Age: Expanding our Imagination" (Policy Press, schueduled to come out in 2019).

Title of the seminar:

"Scholarship on the intersection between old age/aging and ethnicity/race: where we are and need to head".

Short bio:

Ph.D. Professor of Sociology & Chair of Social Gerontology, Scientific Leader (together with Prof. Hannah Bradby) of the Research Group on Welfare and Lifecourse and of the Social Gerontology Group at the Dept. of Sociology of Uppsala University. As one of the leading social gerontologists in Europe, Sandra Torres was awarded one of the first European Research Area on Aging Network´s (ERA-AGE) FLARE-fellowships (FLARE stands for Future Leader of Aging Research in Europe).

Organizer: Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR)

Event type: Seminar


Sandra Torres
Uppsala University

Read about Sandra Torres

Gunnar Malmberg
Read about Gunnar Malmberg