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Popular science in Entangle

Time Sunday 17 February, 2019 at 14:00 - 15:00
Place Bildmuseet

Popular science in conjunction with Bildmuseet's current exhibition Entangle / Physics and the Artistic Imagination. Listen to short talks by physicists from Umeå University about the fundamental forces that shape our world. This Sunday you will meet Senior Lecturer Claude Dion and professor László Veisz. Both will give their lectures in English, so please bring your English-speaking friends. Each short lecture will take about 20–25 minutes, and afterwards there will be time for questions.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou quantum? How particles can be apart but still be linked to each other
Claude Dion, Senior Lecturer in Physics
(Lecture language: English)

Like Romeo and Juliet, when two quantum particles meet, their fate becomes intertwined. In some cases, the particles become entangled such that measuring a property on one particle will affect the result obtained for the other particle, even though the properties were not defined before the measurement, and even if the particles are far apart. This puzzled Einstein who didn't appreciate "spooky action at a distance." At Bildmuseet, Claude Dion will present physicists' current understanding of the problem and ponder which of love or quantum mechanics is harder to understand.

Claude Dion is an Associate Professor at Umeå University, and docent in atomic and molecular physics. He teaches, among others, an advanced course in quantum mechanics, where he tries to get his students to appreciate the mysteries of the quantum world.

Tools made of light: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018
László Veisz, Professor of Physics
(Lecture language: English)

The Nobel Prize in physics in 2018 was awarded for 'tools made of light', ground-breaking inventions in the field of laser physics. The prize covers two fascinating topics: the optical tweezers and the generation of high-intensity ultra-short optical pulses.

Optical tweezers can grab and position small, micrometre-sized objects and have broad range of applications, for example moving cells in biology and medicine. The high-intensity ultra-short pulses provide extreme concentration of light energy into a small spatial volume and temporal duration. This permits also a broad range of novel applications from industrial material processing, eye surgery in medicine, or generation of the shortest pulses in fundamental science. At Bildmuseet, László Veisz will explain the background of these inventions and show how they influence modern life.

László Veisz, is a Professor of Physics at Umeå University and Head of the relativistic attosecond physics laboratory

Organiser: Bildmuseet
Event type: Lecture