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Tech Breakfast: Protecting the researcher(s)

Time Thursday 7 October, 2021 at 08:00 - 10:00
Place ZOOM

In recent years, a growing need for protecting the researchers has (sadly) become necessary as death threats, “doxing” and so on have become more frequent risk in relation to an increased (digital) landscape of anti-gender, far right extremists, and anti-science movements. Researchers now face new risks and greater levels of risk are posed to researchers. Especially targeted are researchers whose work, and/or whos' public identity is norm breaking (e.g., ethnicity, minority identity, sexual identity, political activism, etc.) or challenges white male supremacy, colonialism, heteronormativity and in other ways critically study power structures.

During this Tech Breakfast we wish to address these matters and discuss consequences both on an individual level in terms of well-being and academic careers, as well as consequences for the academic society in general when researchers/research gets attacked. We will also discuss what strategies researchers can use to protect themselves and each other.



Yelin, H. and Clancy, L. (2021) ‘Doing impact work while female: Hate tweets, ‘hot potatoes’ and having ‘enough of experts’’, European Journal of Women’s Studies, 28(2), pp. 175–193. doi: 10.1177/1350506820910194.

Massanari, A. L. (2018) ‘Rethinking Research Ethics, Power, and the Risk of Visibility in the Era of the “Alt-Right” Gaze’, Social Media + Society. doi: 10.1177/2056305118768302

Registration and Participation 

This session is held in ZOOM and to participate you will need to register. Sign up using the form below to recieve a link to the meeting.



Organiser: Humlab
Event type: Group meeting
Johan Jarlbrink
Read about Johan Jarlbrink
Jon Svensson
Read about Jon Svensson