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The FairTax project collaborates with both NGO:s and other research projects. Here you can read about some of our collaboration partners.

COFFERS, EU funded project (H2020)

The European Union confronts expanded inequalities across a range of areas from gender, to generational, wealth, mobility and opportunity. One underlying factor common to these expanded inequalities is deficiencies in fiscal systems. The 'Combatting Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators' (COFFERS) project seeks to redress these deficiencies as policy innovation at national, regional and international levels undergoes a period of accelerated development.

Dandelion, EU funded project (H2020)

The project DANDELION aims to support the uptake and valorisation of Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies (IIRS) research and improve its dissemination towards citizens, policy makers, academia and media. This will be achieved through a series of innovative and creative communication activities targeted at a range of audiences.

Glopolis (NGO)

Founded in 2004, Glopolis is an independent think-tank dedicated to creating a more responsible economy, smarter energy policies and stable food markets. Glopolis works with governments, businesses, experts, civil society and local communities to create innovative responses to the challenges of development from the integrated perspective of a global polis. Glopolis provides holistic analysis and vision, stimulates multi-stakeholder, inter-disciplinary debate and engages in practical action in the Czech Republic as well as in other countries, rich and poor.

Latest update: 2019-01-29