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Published: 2020-03-16

Reliable cyber-physical systems for everyone's safety

PROFILE Zonghua Gu’s research addresses embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), with tight integration and interactions between the embedded computer system and its surrounding physical environment.

Text: Kommunikationsenheten
Image: Mattias Pettersson, Foto: Mattias Pettersson

Zonghua Gu is interested in embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, and their applications in intelligent autonomous systems, such as autonomous vehicles. People's lives depend on the proper functioning of such systems, and to ensure this, there must be safety-certified solutions based on industry standards.

Furthermore, embedded computers that run inside and control these systems need to be optimized for high performance to process massive amounts of sensor data in real-time.

The goal of Zonghua Gu’s research is to develop analysis techniques and tools to make these safety-critical Cyber-Physical Systems both safer and more efficient.

In 2019 Zonghua Gu was installed as professor in technology in autonomous systems at Umeå University.