All students must change their password since 7 May.
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Researchers can publish with open access at no cost through a range of agreements.
New ordering channels for the library mean more digital copies of articles, which will also be free of charge.
An open online course on plagiarism is now available to everyone on the library's website.
Umeå university took the lead in discussing examination in higher education
After refurbishment, a new stack for scholarly journals has opened at the University Library.
There is now space for both group study rooms and a resource room at the library at Arts Campus.
An commitment to reform research evaluation and reward systems.
Collaboration to reform assessment and reward systems for research, in line with the open science reform.
The Swedish Research Council has updated guidelines for research funding as of October 2022.
Umeå University Library and HPC2N collaborate in Skills4EOSC to support networks and training in the EU.
New recommendations in the US aim for immediate open access to all federally funded research results by 2026.
Umeå University Library has an open online-course in information search.
Before publishing in one of MDPI's journals, you are advised to do a critical review of the journal.
The action plan aims to complement and concretise SUHF's roadmap for open science.
There is now a guide (in Swedish) from the Swedish Research Council to help you write a data management plan.