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Published: 2012-11-19

A change in behavior for the environment

NEWS Karl Johan Bonnedahl will appear on radio by reason of the World Bank’s climate report on us going towards an increase of temperature by four degrees Celsius.

Carbon dioxide emissions have increased every year and we are approaching a raise of temperature by four degrees Celsius, Swedish media reports. We all agree that something has to be done. But what? And how?

Karl Bonnedahl has in recent years focused his research on climate adaption in the food industry and is the author of the book Från ekonomiskt till hållbart, från exploatering till samexistens: En bok om att tänka om (From economic to sustainable, from exploitation to co-existence: A book about re-thinking.). He states that we have to change the way we live and cut down on consumption.

This news was published at www.org.umu.se/riseb.

Editor: Johan Jansson