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Published: 2019-03-12

Call for papers: Education and learning for sustainable development

NEWS Call for papers for special issue of Högre utbildning: Education and learning for sustainable development in higher education

This special issue of Högre utbildning invites contributions building on initiatives for sustainable development in higher education and focusing on a range of different aspects of education and learning. Those include, but are not limited to:

  • The organization, management and governance for education/learning for sustainable development within the higher education sector of the Nordic countries: e.g. goals to promote and assessment criteria to follow up various initiatives aimed at learning for sustainable development.
  • Learning goals, pedagogical forms for and learning activities related to competences for sustainable development: e.g. initiatives to increase critical thinking abilities, the questioning of basic assumptions of various disciplines or the fostering of values and ethics in relation to sustainable development.
  • Teacher training to promote learning for sustainable development: e.g. contributions focusing on the teachers' role as a facilitator of student-centred learning for sustainable development or on teachers' knowledge, attitudes, values and commitment to teaching for sustainable development.
  • Reflection papers which build on specific experiences of teaching and learning for sustainable development as well as students' contributions. Such contributions can be related to e.g. students' experiences of learning for sustainable development and/or engagement for sustainable development and the relationship of their engagement to teaching/learning for sustainable development.

Högre utbildning welcomes both qualitative and quantitative studies, comparative studies and studies which reflect conditions specific to the systems of education in the Nordic countries and the conditions which it generates for education for sustainable development.

Deadline for full papers is October 15, 2019.