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Published: 2011-01-12

Call for papers: Workshop on Sámi language legacy, Uppsala 6–8 april 2011

NEWS Earlier scholars of the Sámi languages have left not only the results of their findings in published books and articles, but also a wealth of research material from their fieldwork, in the form of handwritten notes and recordings. This material is now deposited in archives and libraries at different places. Among those places are the University library and the Institute for Language and Folklore in Uppsala, where most of the early unpublished works on the Sámi and the Sámi languages in Sweden can be found.

Uppsala has played a crucial role in documenting various aspects of Sámi culture and language because it has been the center of the Church of Sweden and the earliest scholars of Sámi were often priests and missionaries who intended on working among the Sámi. Therefore a large amount of material has accumulated in Uppsala, and consequently Uppsala is the appropriate place for a workshop of this kind.

We now want to gather present-day scholars who have used or are interested in using such material for a 3-day workshop. The goals of the workshop are 1) to discover and discuss the inventory of archives (and other places) where Sámi language legacy materials can be found; 2) to discuss the possibilities and limitations of such archives and their contents; and 3) to discuss common ground among researchers from different institutions that can lead to future collaborative projects connected to legacy materials related to Sámi languages. During the workshop we will visit and become acquainted with the collections at the Institute for Language and Folklore and the University library in Uppsala.

There will also be time for presentations of research connected to Sámi language legacy material. We therefore welcome everyone who wants to give a presentation (20 minutes) of work based – partly or completely – on legacy material to send in abstracts (max 1 page).

This workshop is funded by NordForsk (http://www.nordforsk.org/) via the Network for Saami Documentation and Revitalization (http://saamidocnet.uit.no/). Travel, lodging and food costs will be reimbursed for 30 participants. Priority will be given to presenters and then on a first-come, first-served basis.

The deadline for abstract submission and travel grant applications is: the 15th of February.
Notification of accepted talks and travel grants will be given: the 25th of February.

The workshop is organized by Cecilia Hedlund and Lars-Gunnar Larsson. Cecilia is presently engaged in a research project on Sámi language standardization and lexicography. Lars-Gunnar is professor of Fenno-Ugric languages and is presently working on a study in Ume Sámi language variation.

Please send abstracts, as well as applications for participation, by e-mail to: legacywkshp@moderna.uu.se.