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Published: 2017-11-29

Kebnekaise - inauguration of the new supercomputer at Umeå University

NEWS On Thursday October 30 the Vice-Chancellor of Umeå University inaugurates the new supercomputer Kebnekaise. In connection with the celebration, High Performance Computing Center North, HPC2N, invites to an open house and participation in various activities.

“This is the most modern system in Sweden, as we have the latest traditional computational nodes, including large memory nodes - up to 3 TByte, graphics processors for deep learning and deep-learning and IA, and KNL vector processors”, says Professor Bo Kågström, director of HPC2N at Umeå University.

HPC2N has users from practically all disciplines at Umeå University, but researchers from the Department of Chemsitry are major users of Kebnekaise.

"As a national center and research infrastructure, we have a responsibility to assist researchers from all over the country with the resources and skills so that they will have the prerequisites for generating top-class research results," says Björn Torkelsson, Technical Coordinator at HPC2N.

The morning program offers a tutorial and the afternoon program includes presentations by scientists using Kebnekaise, a poster session, and the more formal celebration of Kebnekaise.

At 16:15, the super computor system Kebnekaise is formally opened by Professor Hans Adolfsson, Vice-Chancellor of Umeå University and Professor Hans Karlsson, Leader of the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing, SNIC. The premises are the MIT house's interactive focus environment.

The procurement of Kebnekaise was made possible through a grant from both the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) and Umeå University.

Read the full programme

Editor: Ingrid Söderbergh