Anna Arnqvist Björklund. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1,8 Million SEK to the project: Helicobacter pylori - Molecular mechanisms that promote persistent infection which can cause damages to the host cell and development of gastric cancer
Martin Cohn, Department of Molecular Biology, 3 Million SEK to the project: Molecular understanding of the childhood cancer syndrome Fanconi Anemia - potential for therapeutic opportunities.
Sofie Degerman, Department of Clinical Microbiology, 2,4 Million SEK to the project: DNA methylation as a tool to personalize the treatment of T-cell malignancies.
Sophia Harlid, Department of Diagnostics and Intervention, 2,4 Million SEK to the project: Environmental exposures during windows of susceptibility and implications for breast cancer risk and prevention.
Andreas Josefsson, Department of Diagnostics and Intervention, 3 Million SEK for the project: Development of novel treatment predictive methods for high-risk prostate cancer – markers for early and acquired resistance mechanisms in clinical samples.
Beatrice Melin, Department of Diagnostics and Intervention, 6 Million SEK for the project: Understanding glioma etiology - a complex disease requires diverse approaches to therapy.
Tufve Nyholm, Department of Diagnostics and Intervention, 3 Million SEK for the project: Understanding the characteristics of prostate cancer through imaging - paving the way for intensified radiotherapy.
Silvia Remeseiro, UCMM, 3 Million SEK for the project: New targets to blockneuron-to-glioma synapses in glioblastoma: disrupting malignant gene regulatory networks.
Pernilla Wikström, Department of Medical Biosciences, 3,75 Million SEK for the project: Metastasis heterogeneities provide possibilities for personalized therapy of patients with aggressive prostate cancer.
Sara Wilson, Department of Medical and Translational Biology, 3 Million SEK for the project: Identifying druggable targets of nerve-tumor interactions.
In total, The Swedish Cancer Society distribute 887 Million SEK to approximately 200 research projects all over Sweden.