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Coming events

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Coming research events 2020

Coming activities 2020

The following open lectures and events are postponed because of the coronavirus covid-19 situation:

  • Open lecture by Anders Nilsson, former professor in entomology at Umeå University. Title will be announced later
  • Open lecture by Philip Buckland, director of the Environmental Archaeology Lab, Fossil insects. Title will be announced later
  • Open lecture by Eva Forsgren, manager of the National Reference Laboratory of Honeybee Health, SLU Ultuna. Title will be announced later
  • Open lecture by Lars Pettersson, manager of the Swedish Butterfly Program, Lund University. Title will be announced later
  • Plants and Arthropod Management workshop – Satellite events  within the South Africa-Sweden University program (https://sasuf.org/), 5th May 2020, KBC, organizers Natuschka Lee (EMG), Uwe Sauer (Chemistry), Dan Hultmark (MIMS)
  • Open lecture by Sven Carlsson, professor emeritus, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics. Title: "Queen production in beekeeping"
  • More will come!

Arthropodum events archive

LONA Days 29-30th August 2020 

The LONA project is the largest national project organized by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) for different kinds of environmental restoration projects. Since 2017, researchers and students have been involved in a LONA project to explore the situation of the wild pollinating insects in the Västerbotten County in Northern Sweden. All LONA projects are always presented on the last weekend of August every year in different parts of Sweden. In former years, the UmU team has organized guided insect hiking tours, lectures and workshops. Due to the current corona situation, digital online presentations will instead be launched to inform about current and future activities in this field.

See the following presentations organised within the LONA Days 2020 (in Swedish):

PDF files:

Pollinerande insekter i Västerbotten och övriga Norrland. Natuschka Lee, Department of Ecology and and Environmental Science (EMG)

Aktiviteter för hösten 2020 och 2021 Natuschka Lee, Department of Ecology and and Environmental Science (EMG)


Vem pollinerar våra landskapsväxter? Presenter: Philippe Simon, Department of Ecology and and Environmental Science (EMG)

Vilka växter pollineras av våra landskapsinsekter? Presenter: Philippe Simon, Department of Ecology and and Environmental Science (EMG)


Pollinerande insekter på Umeå universitetscampus. Cecilia Åström, Anne van Woerkamp, Natuschka Lee, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenska

Humlor och fjärilar i Umeå region. Anne van Woerkom, Natuschka Lee,  Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap

Students' activities 

(from 28th August 2020 and forwards)

28th August 2020, 10:30-11:45: UmU biology student Emma Jonsson: Den violetta guldvingens (Lycaena helle) äggläggningsplatser: En fältstudie i Norrbottens kustlandskap. Handledare: Bent Christensson, institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap, UmU: 

Examples of open lectures

6 November 2019: Lecture "Insect Biotechnology", Andreas Vilcinskas, Department of Insect Biotechnology, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany. The KBC DAYS 2019 Conference, KBC, Umeå 

26 September 2019: Vetenskapslunch: Mellan fakta och myter – hur allvarligt är läget med insekterna?  - Natuschka Lee

30-31 August 2019: The LONA days – presentation of the environmental restoration project “Pollinating insects in Northern Sweden”, Natuschka Lee

27 May 2019: Lecture "The therapeutical possibilities of bee products and medicinal plants" by Alexandra de Paoli, Umeå 

9 March 2019: Lecture: The microbiology of insects, by Natuschka Lee. Norrlands entomologiska förening, Umeå

14 November 2018: Lecture: The state of butterflies in today's landscapes, by Lars Pettersson, Lund University and the Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. SLU, Umeå

30 Oktober 2018: Lecture for school teachers at Umeå University: "Our food depends on insects”/ "Vår tillgång till föda hänger på insekterna", by Natuschka Lee

Summer 2018: Exhibition at Bildmuseet and workshop with the insect hotel artist Eric Sjödin

26 April 2018: Föredrag vid Arktiskt centrum (Arcum) vid Umeå universitet: The silent threat to nature and our society, the ongoing decline of insects, what can we do?, by Natuschka Lee


Latest update: 2021-12-16