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Feminist technoscience

Research group In Feminist Technoscience, we draw on design-oriented and feminist theories to develop critical perspectives on everyday digital practices.

We focus specifically on issues of materiality, and on how networks of humans and technology are shaped, re-shaped, and rendered meaningful. We want to move past established dichotomies such as discourse/ matter, epistemology/onthology, and subject/object.

Some key concepts for our research group are: the production of reality; ethics; responsibility; development of methods; as well as the (yet) unknown. The end goal of our studies is to supply designers with productive, alternative ways to understand, affect, and be able to take responsibility for design processes and their outcomes.

Examples of research questions:

  • What does it mean to live with digital technologies that make us part of phenomena that are distributed in space and time?
  • How, and with what consequences, can people organise and challenge hierarchical power structures through decentralised digital communication systems?
  • Who controls the production and flows of knowledge and other values in the age of digital networks?
  • How can entangled and complex digital phenomena be explored without cutting them apart?
  • How can critical self-reflective practices be integrated in digital design?

Head of research

Anna Croon
Associate professor
Latest update: 2018-11-19