SámiHET (2021- ): This is a population-based survey covering the total Sámi registered population in Sweden. The SAMI-HET questionnaire is based in the same questions as the Swedish Health on Equal Terms survey. However, specific sections related to the Sámi population have been added such as access to health care, violence, discrimination and racism, and Sámi identity and language. In total, 81 questions are included.
Different individuals and organizations such as Sámiid Riikkasearvi and the Knowledge network for Sámi health have actively contributed to the construction of the Sámi-related sections.
Overall, 3790 participated in the survey (response rate 40.2%) in 2021. A final report of this survey will be ready in March 2022. This project is funded by the Public Health Agency of Sweden. See here for more information.
Violence against Sámi women (2022-2024)
This research project is funded by the Sámi parliament in Sweden and connected to the Lávvou research group on Sámi health and wellbeing. Starting in a mixed-methods approach, the aim of this project is twofold:
1) To examine the exposure to, and impact of, various forms of violence for different groups of Sámi women. This part of the project draws on data from the questions on violence, discrimination and racism in the SámiHET population-based survey, covering the total Sámi registered population in Sweden.
2) To study experiences, knowledges and problematizations regarding the issue of violence against Sámi women within the societal support system for gender-based violence in Sweden and identify central challenges. This part of the project draws on individual- and focus group interviews with representatives from public authorities (such as the social services, police and health care), and civil society based organizations (such as women’s shelters and Sámi organizations) with experience of the issue of violence against Sámi women.
The knowledge generated by this project is expected to contribute to formulate suggestions for improving the societal support for meeting and preventing violence against Sámi women in Sweden.
For questions and further information about this project contact:
Jennie Brandén
Post-doc, Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University
E-mail: Jennie.branden@umu.se
Phone: +46 90 786 69 75
SámiREG (2021- ). Using register data, this project aims to monitor and assess ethnic inequalities in three main types of chronic diseases: cardiovascular, cancer and mental health. This project is a collaboration with SIMSAM lab at Umeå university and funded by the Public Health Agency of Sweden.
ARCTIC-COV (2021-2023). The purpose of this project is to implement a three-phase multi-site case study in each Member State of the Arctic Council (Canada, Alaska, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia) to assess the positive and negative societal outcomes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arctic communities. This work will identify community-driven models and evidence-based promising practices and recommendations that can help inform cohesive and coordinated public health responses and protocols related to future public health emergencies in the Arctic. This project is supported by the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) of the Arctic Council. The international project is funded by the member states.
SámiYOUT(H) (2022-2024). This is a community-based participatory research project together with the Sámi youth organization Sáminuorra. The aim of this project is i) to understand the role and perspectives that different institutional stakeholders, nationally and regionally, have or should have in promoting health and wellbeing among Sámi youth; and ii) to investigate priority areas for health and wellbeing among Sámi youth in Sweden. The knowledge generated by this project is expected to contribute to delineate a road map of actions for healthy living among Sámi youth in Sweden. This project is funded by FORTE and is part of the “Lancet series on Indigenous and First Nations adolescent health and wellbeing”.