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Cryo-EM sample preparation and data collection course 17-19 October 2023

The purpose of the course is to prepare and train Cryo-EM facility users in sample preparation methods, introduce users to the image data acquisition workflow, expand knowledge about cryo-EM methods among researchers and show that everyone can learn how to use cryo-EM for structure and cell biology.

The course is open for facility users or potential facility users, such as PhD students, postdocs, and researchers within the life sciences who are curious and will profit from cryo-EM skills. Swedish and international course participants are welcome. To attend, the course participants must have experience in basic electron microscopy and be familiar with structure or cell biology.

This course is supported by SciLifeLab, CryoNET and Umeå University and organized by the SciLifeLab Cryo-EM facility, both UmU and SU nodes together.

Application deadline
Application should be submitted before September 29, 2023

Course organizers
Michael Hall

UCEM and Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) Building
Umeå University
Linnaeus väg 6

Teachers and course instructors

  • Linda Sandblad
  • Michael Hall
  • Lars-Anders Carlson
  • Additional teachers t.b.a

Social program
A social program depending on the current corona restriction will be communicated to the participants after acceptance.

Course content
This course will cover practical aspects of cryo-EM sample preparation and data acquisition.
Topics covered:

  • Basic theory of vitreous water, how to handle a cryo sample and consequences
  • Plunge freezing methods, tools and cryo-transfer
  • Sample and instrument requirements for single particle and tomography methods
  • Image data acquisition, concept of low dose and the cryo-specific workflow
  • Introduction to automatic data acqui­sition software, EPU, Tomography
  • Introduction to cryo-EM image processing methods

The course consists of lectures, cryo lab work, demonstrations and practical exercises for all participants, hands-on experiences of microscopy operation and discussions. A detailed schedule will be provided to accepted participant.

Course literature
Handouts and material online.

Entry requirements
Priority will be given to researchers involved in project where the use of cryo-EM is needed, which are to be briefly described upon application.

The course will be held at an advanced level, assuming that participants have a master’s degree or equivalent in a technical life science discipline. It aims to be relevant for a broad research community, also to participants not working in research environments using cryo-EM today.

A maximum of 15 participants will be admitted. Selection criteria include correct entry requirements, motivation to attend the course as well as gender balance.

Participation in all parts of the course, lectures, lab, microscopy demonstrations and evaluation are mandatory. SciLifeLab and Umeå University will provide successful participants with a course certificate and a recommendation for 1 ECTS


Registeration Form

Registration deadline: 1 November 2024


Sara Sandin

Staff Scientist

E-mail: sara.sandin@umu.se

Tanvir Shaikh

Staff Scientist

E-mail: tanvir.shaikh@umu.se

Latest update: 2023-04-06