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Image: Greg Stewart/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Strategic research areas

Strategic research areas are major investments in research by the Swedish Government in research with strategic significance for society and industry.

Strategic research areas led by Umeå University

In 2008, the Swedish Research Council initiated a large investment in research areas that have a strategic significance for society and industry. Funding has now been granted until 2024

Umeå University has the main responsibility for two strategic research areas: energy research and marine environment research. 


Bild på sälar i havet
EcoChange Umeå

EcoChange is a strategic research programme that is hosted by Umeå University.

A Biorefinery Research Environment

The research environment Bio4Energy aims to create efficient and environmentally sound biorefinery processes

Strategic research areas where we collaborate

Umeå University are also involved in six other Strategic research areas:

Cancer research

Uppsala-Umeå Comprehensive Cancer Consortium, U-CAN

The purpose of U-CAN is to build a biobank with blood and tumor samples from patients with different types of cancer. Umeå University, together with Uppsala University, has received special national strategic research resources for the project.

Read more about U-CAN in collaboration with Uppsala University

Diabetes research

The strategic research program in diabetes, SRP, is a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University.

SRP Diabetes is an integrated research environment in the field of diabetes, containing both basic research and clinical research.

The overall goal is to transfer results between basic research and clinical research to improve the care and treatment of patients with diabetes.

Read more about SRP Diabetes (external link)


eSSENCE collects and supports research in e-science. The research area is organized by the universities of Uppsala, Lund and Umeå.

E-sciences are all the sciences that develop and answer scientific questions through advanced use of computers, storage and / or networking. Unlike most other research areas, e-science is not based on disciplines or the material being studied, but on the tools used.

eSSENCE's strategy is to promote collaborations. By bringing research groups together with a focus on e-scientific methods, a platform for exchange and knowledge transfer is created.

Read more about eSSENCE (external link)

Sustainable use of natural resources 

Trees and Crops for the Future (TC4F)

TC4F is a collaboration between SLU, Umeå University and Forestry Research Institute (SkogForsk).

TC4F develops knowledge about sustainable plant production and product development from plants with the overall purpose of supporting the development of Sweden's circular bioeconomy.

TC4F deals with both agrarian and forest cultivation systems and links basic research on plant molecular biology, plant physiology and genetics with applicable research on forest management and plant-based products.

Read more about TC4F (external link)




Disorders of brain function are among the most common causes of disability in high-income countries. The European Brain Council has estimated that a third of Europe's residents will be affected at some point in their lives.

In addition to the suffering of patients and their families, this leads to enormous costs to society. Despite this, there is a lack of effective preventive methods and treatments. Therefore, Karolinska Institutet has established the strategic research area neuroscience (StratNeuro) together with Umeå University and KTH.

Read more about StratNeuro

Caring sciences

Strategic Research Area Health Care Science (SFO-V)

The strategic research area of ​​caring science is a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University. The purpose is to strengthen and develop the collaboration between care science and care activities through high-quality research and activities that promote collaborations, knowledge exchange and social innovation.

Read more about SFO-V (external link)


Latest update: 2023-06-16