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GEDAI Growing Ethical Designers of Artificial Intelligence

Research project Responsible Artificial Intelligence education is one of the most central challenges to be overcome for AI systems to benefit individuals and society. GEDAI is dedicated to develop methods and tools for growing the skills needed for responsible design and use of AI systems. GEDAI strives to extend general knowledge about risks, philosophies, and guidelines with abilities for effectively achieving responsible design in practice.

GEDAI is dedicated to developing pedagogic activities for providing the skills and know-how for enabling the engineers of tomorrow to constructively contribute in the responsible building of AI systems.

Head of project

Loïs Vanhée
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2020-09-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Computing Science

Project description

The GEDAI project combines both a scientific approach, i.e. studying how is responsible AI taught and subsequent skills, with the teaching purpose of developing excellent-quality responsible AI programmes and training the designers and AI users of tomorrow with the skills they require for achieving actual social good and positive impact.

The GEDAI project is based on strong interdisciplinary collaborations, seeking to include all involved disciplines, including computer science, pedagogy, design, sociology, policy-making, law etc.

Latest update: 2021-12-02