Innovative statistical methods for optimal use of large-scale register data
Research project
Swedish national registers constitute a gold mine for research in the social and medical sciences. Yet the statistical methods available and used are seldom adapted to the challenges implied by the large scale record linked databases.
This research proposal plans a collaboration with key national and international actors, and aims at developing novel and relevant methods for causal pathways analyses, robust estimation and life course studies,. These are essential parts of register based research on individuals’ lifelong welfare. The methodological research will be conducted within a multidisciplinary research environment, where we also collaborate with scientists from very different fields. Thus, by developing innovative methods, we expect to support the high expectations the scientific community has on the use of record linked register data to improve our knowledge on individuals’ living condition and lifelong welfare. More details:
Swedish national registers constitute a gold mine for research in the social and medical sciences. Yet the statistical methods available and used are seldom adapted to the challenges implied by the large scale record linked databases. While large amount of resources are put in the development of world unique infrastructures in Sweden, there is a lack of coordinated efforts in developing the relevant methods. This research proposal plans a collaboration with key national and international actors, and aims at developing novel and relevant methods for causal pathways analyses, robust estimation and life course studies,. These are essential parts of register based research on individuals’ lifelong welfare. The methodological research will be conducted within a multidisciplinary research environment, where we also collaborate with scientists from very different fields. Thus, by developing innovative methods, we expect to support the high expectations the scientific community has on the use of record linked register data to improve our knowledge on individuals’ living condition and lifelong welfare.