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WP 4: The impact of job crafting interventions on person-job fit, work motivation, and physical and psychological health in older employees

Job crafting interventions to improve self-regulatory strategies and increase person-job fit have shown great promise (Oprea et al. 2019). Although older employees are more likely to benefit from job crafting than younger employees (Kooij et al. 2017, 2020), previous studies mainly include young- and middle-aged employees, between-person designs, and relatively short follow-ups. This is problematic because job crafting offers older employees a tool by which to age successfully at work by allowing them to continuously adjust their job to intrapersonal changes that are part of the aging process. In this project, we explore the effectiveness of job crafting interventions in older employees by employing a longitudinal measurement burst design to capture both between- and within-person processes on different time scales. More specifically, we will examine short- and long-term effects of job crafting interventions on person-job fit, work motivation, and physical and psychological health; and the mediated effect of job crafting on employee outcomes through person-job fit.

Participating researchers

Latest update: 2023-03-08