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Astrid Norberg
Research qualifications:
Works at
Affiliated as professor emerita at
Department of Nursing
Biologihuset, Hus C, plan 3, 4 och 5. Hus D2, plan 3.
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Becoming whole again-Caring for the self in chronic illness-A narrative review of qualitative empirical studies
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Hajdarevic, Senada; Norberg, Astrid; Lundman, Berit; et al.
Perceptions and stress of conscience in relation to burnout among nursing staff in older people care settings: a cross sectional study
BMC Nursing
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2023, Vol. 22, (1)
Nazari, Shima; Norberg, Astrid; Strandberg, Gunilla; et al.
Elucidating the meaning of life world phenomena: A phenomenological hermeneutical method for researching lived experience
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 36, (3) : 883-890
Lindseth, Anders; Norberg, Astrid
Applying the theory of human development by Erik and Joan Erikson when communicating with persons with advanced dementia diseases
Nordic journal of nursing research
, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 42, (4) : 178-184
Mazaheri, Monir; Kihlgren, Mona; Norberg, Astrid
Relationships among inner strength, health and function, well-being, and negative life events in old people: a longitudinal study
European Journal of Ageing
, Springer 2022, Vol. 19 : 545-554
Viglund, Kerstin; Olofsson, Birgitta; Lundman, Berit; et al.
The importance of having a paid job: Gendered experiences of health and ill-health in daily life among middle-aged women and men
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 21, (1)
Hammarström, Anne; Lundman, Berit; Norberg, Astrid
In memory of professor Sirkka-Liisa Ekman
Nordic journal of nursing research
, Sage Publications 2021, Vol. 41, (1) : 3-4
Norberg, Astrid; Mazaheri, Monir
Dealing With Troubled Conscience in Care of Older People With Dementia
International Journal of Qualitative Methods
, Sage Publications 2020, Vol. 19
Mazaheri, Monir; Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Joakim, Ohlen; et al.
Meaning of Conscience for Enrolled Nurses With Immigrant Background in Sweden
International Journal of Qualitative Methods
, Sage Publications 2020, Vol. 19
Mazaheri, Monir; Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Joakim, Ohlen; et al.
Agency and communion in people with Alzheimer’s disease, as described by themselves and their spousal carers
, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 8, (4)
Hedman, Ragnhild; Norberg, Astrid; Hellström, Ingrid
Assenting to exposedness: meanings of receiving assisted bodily care in a nursing home as narrated by older persons
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 33, (4) : 868-877
Holmberg, Bodil; Hellström, Ingrid; Norberg, Astrid; et al.
Use of the model of Inner Strength for analysing reflective interviews in a group of healthy middle-aged adults
SAGE Open Medicine
, SAGE Open 2019, Vol. 7
Lundman, Berit; Hammarström, Anne; Ahlgren, Christina; et al.
Sense of self among persons with advanced dementia
Alzheimer's Disease
, Codon Publications 2019 : 205-221
Norberg, Astrid
Sense of self in Alzheimer's research participants
Clinical Nursing Research
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 27, (2) : 191-212
Hedman, Ragnhild; Hellström, Ingrid; Ternestedt, Britt-Marie; et al.
Meanings of troubled conscience and how to deal with it: expressions of Persian-speaking enrolled nurses in Sweden.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 32, (1) : 380-388
Mazaheri, Monir; Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Joakim, Öhlén; et al.
They are still the same: family members’ stories about their relatives with dementia disorders as residents in a nursing home
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 32, (1) : 168-176
Seiger-Cronfalk, Berit; Norberg, Astrid; Ternestedt, Britt-Marie
Care providers’ narrated experiences of working in private non-profit residential care for older people during downsizing and reorganisation, focusing on troubled conscience
Nordic journal of nursing research
, Sage Publications 2017, Vol. 37, (4) : 177-185
Johan, Åhlin; Strandberg, Gunilla; Astrid, Norberg; et al.
How do people in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease see their future?
, Sage Publications 2017, Vol. 16, (2) : 145-157
Langø Kristiansen, Per Jørgen; Normann, Hans K; Norberg, Astrid; et al.
Clear conscience grounded in relations: expressions of Persian-speaking nurses in Sweden
Nursing Ethics
, Sage Publications 2017, Vol. 24, (3) : 349-361
Mazaheri, Monir; Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Zargham-Boroujeni, Ali; et al.
Personcentrerad omvårdnad av personer med avancerad demens
Vägen till patientens värld och personcentrerad vård: att bli lyssnad på och förstådd
, Stockholm: Liber 2017 : 205-216
Norberg, Astrid
Fenomenologisk hermeneutik
Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso- och sjukvård
, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2017 : 249-261
Norberg, Astrid; Fagerberg, Ingegerd
Moments of homecoming among people with advanced dementia disease in a residential care facility
, Sage Publications 2017, Vol. 16, (5) : 629-641
Norberg, Astrid; Ternestedt, Britt-Marie; Lundman, Berit
Resilience, sense of coherence, purpose in life and self-transcendence in relation to perceived physical and mental health among the oldest old
Psychology of aging
, Routledge 2017 : 85-93
Nygren, Björn; Aléx, Lena; Jonsén, Ellisabeth; et al.
Being a close family member of a person with dementia living in a nursing home
Journal of Clinical Nursing
, Vol. 26, (21-22) : 3519-3528
Seiger-Cronfalk, Berit; Ternestedt, Britt-Marie; Norberg, Astrid
Comforting measures described by staff working in paediatric units
Nursing children and young people
, Vol. 29, (4) : 24-30
Ångström-Brännström, Charlotte; Norberg, Astrid
Expressed Sense of Self by People With Alzheimer’s Disease in a Support Group Interpreted in Terms of Agency and Communion
Journal of Applied Gerontology
, Vol. 35, (4) : 421-443
Hedman, Ragnhild; Hansebo, Görel; Ternestedt, Britt-Marie; et al.
Identitetsverdighet hos personer med demens
Demens & Alderspsykiatri
, Vol. 20, (4)
Norberg, Astrid
"I Want to Go Home, but I Need to Stay": The Transition to become Ready for Discharge from Acute Psychiatric Wards, as Narrated by Persons Who Experienced Acute Psychotic Illness
International journal of nursing & clinical practices
, Graphy Publications 2016, Vol. 3
Sebergsen, Karina; Norberg, Astrid; Talseth, Anne-Grethe
Confirming mental health care in acute psychiatric wards, as narrated by persons experiencing psychotic illness: an interview study
BMC Nursing
, Vol. 15
Sebergsen, Karina; Norberg, Astrid; Talseth, Anne-Grethe
Expressions of Sense of Self Among Individuals With Alzheimer's Disease
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice
, Vol. 30, (2) : 161-175
Skaalvik, Mari Wolff; Fjelltun, Aud-Mari Sohini; Normann, Hans Ketil; et al.
The experience of self and threats to sense of self among relatives caring for people with Alzheimer's disease
, Sage Publications 2016, Vol. 15, (4) : 467-480
Skaalvik, Mari Wolff; Norberg, Astrid; Normann, Ketil; et al.
Conversations between persons with dementia disease living in nursing homes and nurses: qualitative evaluation of an intervention with the validation method
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 30, (1) : 37-47
Söderlund, Mona; Cronqvist, Agneta; Norberg, Astrid; et al.
Nursing home placement in Norway: characteristics of older people assigned to placement
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning
, Universitetsforlaget 2015, Vol. 5, (2) : 133-150
Henriksen, Nils; Sohini Fjelltun, Aud-Mari; Normann, Hans Ketil; et al.
Sense of meaning in life among the oldest old people living in a rural area in northern Sweden
International Journal of Older People Nursing
, Vol. 10, (3) : 221-229
Jonsén, Elisabeth; Norberg, Astrid; Lundman, Berit
Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Self-Transcendence Scale among very old people
Journal of Nursing Measurement
, Springer 2015, Vol. 23, (1) : 96-111
Lundman, Berit; Årestedt, Kristofer; Norberg, Astrid; et al.
Self-transcendence (ST) among very old people: its associations to social and medical factors and development over five years
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print)
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 61, (2) : 247-253
Norberg, Astrid; Lundman, Berit; Gustafson, Yngve; et al.
Utilization of palliative care principles in nursing home care: educational interventions
Palliative & Supportive Care
, Cambridge University Press 2015, Vol. 13, (6) : 1745-1753
Seiger Cronfalk, Berit; Ternestedt, Britt-Marie; Franklin Larsson, Lise-Lotte; et al.
A comparison of assessments and relationships of stress of conscience, perceptions of conscience, burnout and social support between healthcare personnel working at two different organizations for care of older people
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 29, (2) : 277-287
Åhlin, Johan; Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Norberg, Astrid; et al.
Children undergoing cancer treatment describe their experiences of comfort in interviews and drawings.
Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing
, Vol. 31, (3) : 135-46
Angström-Brännström, Charlotte; Norberg, Astrid
Caring for people with dementia disease (DD) and working in a private not-for-profit residential care facility for people with DD
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, John Wiley & Sons 2014, Vol. 28, (2) : 337-346
Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Larsson, Lise-Lotte Franklin; Norberg, Astrid
Social positioning by people with Alzheimer's disease in a support group
Journal of Aging Studies
, Vol. 28 : 11-21
Hedman, Ragnhild; Hellstrom, Ingrid; Ternestedt, Britt-Marie; et al.
First-Line Nursing Home Managers in Sweden and their Views on Leadership and Palliative Care
Open Nursing Journal
, Bentham open 2014, Vol. 8 : 71-78
Håkanson, Cecilia; Cronfalk, Berit Seiger; Henriksen, Eva; et al.
Being in a process of transition to psychosis, as narrated by adults with psychotic illnesses acutely admitted to hospital
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
, Vol. 21, (10) : 896-905
Sebergsen, K.; Norberg, Astrid; Talseth, A-G
Validation method training: nurses' experiences and ratings of work climate
International Journal of Older People Nursing
, Wiley-Blackwell 2014, Vol. 9, (1) : 79-89
Söderlund, Mona; Norberg, Astrid; Hansebo, Görel
Omvårdnad ur livscykelperspektiv: identitetens betydelse
Omvårdnadens grunder: perspektiv och förhållningssätt
, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2014 : 33-67
Ternestedt, Britt-Marie; Norberg, Astrid
Care providers' experiences of guidelines in daily work at a municipal residential care facility for older people
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, John Wiley & Sons 2014, Vol. 28, (2) : 355-363
Åhlin, Johan; Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Norberg, Astrid; et al.
Descriptions of comfort in the social networks surrounding a dying child
Vård i Norden
, Vol. 34, (113) : 4-8
Ångström Brännström, Charlotte; Dahlqvist, Vera; Strandberg, Gunilla; et al.
Nursing Staff's Understanding Expressions of People With Advanced Dementia Disease
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice
, Vol. 27, (1) : 19-34
Eggers, Thomas; Ekman, Sirkka-Liisa; Norberg, Astrid
Healthcare personnel's experiences of situations in municipal elderly care that generate troubled conscience
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell 2013, Vol. 27, (2) : 215-223
Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Norberg, Astrid; Persson, Birgitta; et al.
How people with Alzheimer's disease express their sense of self: analysis using Rom Harre's theory of selfhood
, Sage Publications 2013, Vol. 12, (6) : 713-733
Hedman, Ragnhild; Hansebo, Görel; Ternestedt, Britt-Marie; et al.
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Research projects
4 October 2010 until 31 December 2015
Stress of conscience and burnout among healthcare personnel in elderly care
Published: 17 May, 2024
Honorary doctor with an ethical perspective on healthcare
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