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Garance Barbier

Works at

KBC-huset, Linnaeus väg 6, Umeå Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

My research is focused on how cognition and personality affect life-history traits. I have no preferred model for studying those questions, however I have working experience with parrots and ants. My current project applies those themes, as I try to uncover the behavioural resilience of different ant species (including red wood ants) when in contact with various contaminants. More broadly, the questions I like answering are:

Are some personality traits correlated?

Is personality able to predict performance in some cognitive skills?

What are the tradeoffs that individuals face in their environment for some personality traits?

Can some life-history traits be predicted by personality, cognition, or both?

Is climate change affecting personality or cogniton? 

Are contaminants applying a new form of selection pressure on personality or cognition?"

Research groups

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