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Staff photo Lena Palmquist

Lena Palmquist

I mainly work as a student counselor for the Master of Science in Engineering program: specialisation in Interaction Technology and Design. I am also responsible for book purchases at the department.

Educational qualifications: Recognised university teacher

Works at

Lecturer at Department of Computing Science Role: Student counsellor
MIT-huset, Umeå universitet, MIT.E.438 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

My research interests are mainly about interaction design, specifically end-user programming. An interest in gender issues and gender research also permeates the research I have conducted.

In recent years, pedagogy has been the subject of my interest and I have completed many of UPL's pedagogical courses for university teachers.

I am appointed a qualified teacher.

Abstracts från Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2017: Undervisning i praktiken – föreläsning, flexibelt eller mitt emellan?, Umeå: Umeå universitet 2017 : 73-75
Palmquist, Lena
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2015: gränslös kunskap, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2015 : 56-57
Palmquist, Lena
Från Siffror till Surfning: könsperspektiv på informationsteknik, Lund: Studentlitteratur 2001 : 71-91
Croon, Anna; Palmquist, Lena
Utbildning i förändring: Konferensrapport från Universitetspedagogisk konferens i Umeå 20-21 februari 1997 : 308-321
Kallin, Lena; Nordström, Marie; Palmquist, Lena

My teaching mainly consists of supervising degree projects, mostly on the Bachelor's program in Cognitive Science, but also on the Master of Science in Interaction and Design.

I also participate to a limited extent in courses in Interaction Technology.