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Maria Härgestam
+46 90 786 90 68
Works at
Associate professor, combined with clinical employment at
Department of Nursing
Biologihuset, Hus C, plan 3, 4 och 5. Hus D2, plan 3.
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Exploring differences in patient participation in simulated emergency cases in co-located and distributed rural emergency teams: an observational study with a randomized cross-over design
BMC Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Dubois, Hanna; Manser, Tanja; Häbel, Henrike; et al.
Can equity in care be achieved for stigmatized patients? Discourses of ideological dilemmas in perioperative care
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Härgestam, Maria; Lindgren, Lenita; Jacobsson, Maritha
Interprofessional team training via telemedicine in medical and nursing education
BMC Medical Education
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Härgestam, Maria; Morian, Hanna; Lindgren, Lenita
Mapping leadership, communication and collaboration in short-term distributed teams across various contexts: a scoping review
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2024, Vol. 14, (10)
Morian, Hanna; Creutzfeldt, Johan; Hultin, Magnus; et al.
Teamwork in rural emergency health care: A Simulation-Based Cross-over Study of Co-located and Distributed Teams
Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare
Morian, Hanna; Hultin, Magnus; Lindkvist, Marie; et al.
Challenges in preserving the “good doctor” norm: physicians' discourses on changes to the medical logic during the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Frontiers in Psychology
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2023, Vol. 14
Härgestam, Maria; Jacobsson, Maritha; Bååthe, Fredrik; et al.
Reliability and validity testing of team emergency assessment measure in a distributed team context
Frontiers in Psychology
, Vol. 14
Morian, Hanna; Härgestam, Maria; Hultin, Magnus; et al.
Patient participation in tele-emergencies: experiences from healthcare professionals in northern rural Sweden
Rural and remote health
, Vol. 22, (4)
Dubois, Hanna; Bergenmar, Mia; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
Organizational logics in time of crises: How physicians narrate the healthcare response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Swedish hospitals
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central 2022, Vol. 22, (1)
Jacobsson, Maritha; Härgestam, Maria; Bååthe, Fredrik; et al.
Students’ performance in venous blood specimen collection practice before internship: an observation study
Creative Education
, Scientific Research Publishing 2022, Vol. 13, (07) : 2340-2353
Lämås, Kristina; Härgestam, Maria; Jonsson, Karin; et al.
Teamarbete och kommunikation
Traumaomvårdnad: vård av svårt skadade patienter
, Stockholm: Liber 2021 : 54-60
Härgestam, Maria
Do team and task performance improve after training situation awareness?: A randomized controlled study of interprofessional intensive care teams
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 29, (1)
Jonsson, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
Factors Influencing Team and Task Performance in Intensive Care Teams in a Simulated Scenario
Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2021, Vol. 16, (1) : 29-36
Jonsson, Karin; Hultin, Magnus; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
Classroom bodies: affect, body language, and discourse when schoolchildren encounter national tests in mathematics
Gender and Education
, Routledge 2020, Vol. 32, (5) : 682-696
Silfver, Eva; Maritha, Jacobsson; Arnell, Linda; et al.
Reliability of instruments that measure situation awareness, team performance and task performance in a simulation setting with medical students
BMJ Open
, Vol. 9, (9)
Hultin, Magnus; Jonsson, Karin; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
Implementering av ett pedagogiskt verktyg för praktiskfärdighetsutövning: en effektiv lärprocess
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2017: undervisning i praktiken – föreläsning, flexibelt eller mitt emellan?
, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2017 : 19-23
Bölenius, Karin; Härgestam, Maria; Lämås, Kristina
Kunskap och kommunikation är en ledares plattform: tvärvetenskaplig studie av traumateamövningar visar betydelsen av verbal och icke-verbal kommunikation
, Vol. 113, (39) : 1-5
Hultin, Magnus; Jacobsson, Maritha; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Trauma team leaders' non-verbal communication: video registration during trauma team training
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2016, Vol. 24
Härgestam, Maria; Hultin, Magnus; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Trauma teams and time to early management during in situ trauma team training
BMJ Open
, Vol. 6, (1)
Härgestam, Maria; Lindkvist, Marie; Jacobsson, Maritha; et al.
Negotiated knowledge positions: communication in trauma teams
Umeå University medical dissertations
, 1733
Härgestam, Maria
Communication in interdisciplinary teams: Exploring closed-loop communication during in situ trauma team training
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2013, Vol. 3, (10)
Härgestam, Maria; Lindkvist, Marie; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Flexible knowledge repertoires: Communication by leaders in trauma teams
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2012, Vol. 20, (1) : 44-
Jacobsson, Maritha; Härgestam, Maria; Hultin, Magnus; et al.
Has five years of team training in non-technical skills improved trauma team performance in our University Hospital?
Inspire... and be inspired: AMEE 2011 Abstract Book: 29-31 August 2011, Vienna, Austria
, Scotland: Association for Medical Education in Europe 2011 : 447-447
Hultin, Magnus; Hedberg, Hans; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
Balancing between knowledge and behaviour in teamwork-experiences in interprofessional ICU teams
Jonsson, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Hultin, Magnus; et al.
‘We feel left alone out here’: dilemmas in teamwork among rural health professionals in distributed emergency settings
Morian, Hanna; Hultin, Magnus; Creutzfeldt, Johan; et al.
Putting the pieces together: clinical judgment from the perspective of registered nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologists at tracheal extubations after general anesthesia
Rönnberg, Linda; Brulin, Emma; Landstad, Bodil J.; et al.
View publications in DiVA
Research projects
24 August 2016 until 30 June 2020
The development of communication, leadership and situation awareness in interprofessional teams during acute care.
28 January 2016 until 30 January 2021
Perception, comprehension and projection - evaluation of situation awareness in multidisciplinary emergency care teams
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