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Staff photo Sophie Jané

Sophie Jané

Sophie is a senior lecturer in management. She studies inclusion, legitimacy, and sensemaking in organizations, particularly within challenging and uncertain contexts.



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Associate professor at Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE) Section: Business Administration, Management
Samhällsvetarhuset, Biblioteksgränd 6, A34907 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

My research explores how people navigate, make sense of, and contribute to challenging organizational situations and contexts. I’m particularly interested in social inclusion and belonging in organizations, and the ways in which perceiving others as risky or threatening contributes to social exclusion at work. A second area of interest is legitimacy. Within this stream, I study how individuals and groups construct themselves (and others) as more or less legitimate, and the implications of these constructions for professional and organizational survival. A third area of interest is trauma. To date, I have explored how trauma encountered at work impacts the "doing" of projects, as well as how past organizational trauma impacts organizational narratives. I employ qualitative methods (interviews, participant observation, fieldwork), and draw on a range of conceptual lenses (social-symbolic work, basic psychological needs, sensemaking, identity, critical perspectives) to generate novel insights into these topics.

EGOS 2023, 39th EGOS Collequium, "Organizing for the good life: between legacy and imagination", Cagliari, Italy, July 6-8, 2023
Jané, Sophie
PROS 2023, 14th Inernational Process Symposium, June 18-21, 2023
Jané, Sophie; Klopp, Jake; Pettit, Krista
EGOS 2022, "Organizing: the beauty of imperfection", Vienna, Austra, July 7-9, 2022
Fernandez, Virginie; Jané, Sophie; Hällgren, Markus
Qualitative research in organization and management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2022, Vol. 17, (4) : 425-441
Jané, Sophie; Fernandez, Virginie; Hällgren, Markus
Academy of Management Proceedings: 2021
Jané, Sophie Elizabeth; Sweitzer, Stormy Compeán; Bilimoria, Diana
EGOS 2021, 37th EGOS Colloquium, "Organizing for an inclusive society: Meanings, motivations & mechanisms", online via Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 8-10, 2021
Jané, Sophie; Sweitzer, Stormy; Bilimoria, Diana
Academy of Mangement Proceedings: 2018
Archibold, Estelle; Jané, Sophie Elizabeth; Bilimoria, Diana; et al.
Academy of Mangement Proceedings: 2018
Jané, Sophie Elizabeth
Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management 2018, Vol. 17, (4) : 401-424
Jané, Sophie; Van Esch, Chantal; Bilimoria, Diana
Organizational Dynamics, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 47, (3) : 189-199
McLaughlin, Hazel; Silvester, Jo; Bilimoria, Diana; et al.
Academy of Management Proceedings: 2016
Sugiyama, Keimei; Jané, Sophie Elizabeth; Bilimoria, Diana

Teaching topics include diversity and inclusion, project management, organizational learning, organizing processes, conflict management and research methods.