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Organising an evening or a weekend event

As a student, you can arrange an evening or weekend event in the University's premises. But a special agreement must be drawn up. Evening or weekend events are only approved if it does not involve a disruption or risk to other operations.

Rules and procedures for evening or weekend event in Umeå University´s premises

  • You are always obliged to follow rules of safety and security when using the premises.
  • The student union/association/equivalent are responsible for ensuring that the organiser is in place during the event.
  • An event at which alcohol is consumed is permitted on weekdays between 18:30 and 00:00, or on Saturdays or Sundays, or other holiday, between 16:00 and 00:00. 
  • To make cleaning easier and reduce the risk of unwanted events such as burglary and theft, non-alcoholic events should also end at 00:00 (every day).
  • Premises must be restored to their original order no later than one hour after the event has finished.
  • If necessary, the organiser must contact Campus Services Office in the building well in advance of the event to agree on the unlocking of doors, and to obtain information about cleaning equipment, handling alarms, etc.
  • If you need to hire a cleaning service in connection with the event, contact Infocenter no later than seven working days before the event.
  • The event will not be permitted if there is reason to believe that it may lead to disturbances for adjacent operations.
  • The University reserves the right to limit the scope of the renting and to
    deny anyone who has previously not complied with applicable rules, or otherwise caused damage to person or property, the possibility to rent or book a room or space.

Serving permit

A serving permit is generally not required if the serving:

  • refers to a single occasion for pre-determined persons (it may not be addressed to the public).
  • takes place without a profit interest and at no other cost to the participants than the cost of purchasing the drinks.
  • takes place in a room where there is no professional sale of alcoholic or soft drinks.

The above points provide good guidance on whether a serving permit is needed or not. For some events, however, it can be difficult to make the assessment and if you are unsure, you can read more on Umeå municipality's page about serving permits: Serveringstillstånd - Umeå kommun.

Apply for organising an evening or a weekend event in the University´s premises

Avtal för arrangemang kväll eller helg i en institutions lokal

Avtal för arrangemang kväll eller helg i en gemensamt bokningsbar lokal

Latest update: 2023-03-22