Full product package.
Work shoes is a broad industry encompassing many professions. When it comes to footwear for hospital personnel, the problem lies within the fact that major key elements include keeping the production cost as low as possible, thus cutting back on proper design. This flaw can be seen in many hospitals around the world as many of the targeted users are found using their own private sneakers at work, even though the price for a pair of work shoes is low, and the availability is there.
This project aims to design a new work shoe for hospital personnel with a major focus on user centered design and proper ergonomics of the foot. The goal is to provide the users with a well-fitted shoe, tailored for the demands found within the profession.
The three-minute project pitch video accompanied by eight chosen images show the thought- and design process behind the project. The result is a product package containing a pair of shoes, a washing bag and supportive socks. Aside from this, the result is thought out from a circular perspective in regard to the use of nature resources and production.
If you found my thesis topic interesting and want to hear more, or you just want to have a chat about shoes in general, please send me an email or join me in my Zoom room.
Thank you for your time,
Marian Dembkiewicz.

Lateral view, shoe.

Process: stepping stones.

Process: Scenarios.

Spinning shoe

In action shot.

Marketing example.