Little Journalist
The work is based on the increasing absence of local journalism, that continue to grow in rural areas and in suburbs to large cities. The consequences are so-called white spots or news desserts, areas with weak or without any journalistic presence at all. Disappearing advertising revenues and attempts to get readers to become subscribers, in order to survive as a local newspaper, place limits on both time and resources.
The lack of time and resources makes it difficult for journalists to address children and schools. Children’s insight into their parents media habits reduces as the newspaper change into digital platforms.
Establishing an early relationship with local journalism is important not only for the information. An early relationship and being represented, makes us feel included and that’s important for a democratic society!
My hope is that this concept will create strong and long-lasting memories of representation and a feeling of being able to affect, as well as understanding how the journalist act in the society. To give knowledge of the difference between professional journalism and other communication and to teach this in a playful way that increases motivation and engagement.
The project resulted in an application for children. When entering the role of the journalist, the mission is to create, choose and assemble your news together with friends. The start of the activity take place within school. You'll learn about source criticism, press ethics, editing and the journalistic responsibility. The concept aims to be a collaboration between local journalists, students and school.
Charlotta Sahlin