Becoming Local
Do we mistreat what we have a mutual connection to? The human relationship to nature is scarred and the effects of that scarring causes destruction daily in global and local scales. Greed, apathy and selfishness among other effects are seen, according to spiritual and deep ecology, as the true reason for impoverishment, assault and violation on nature.
A deeper ’Connectedness with nature’ has emerged as relevant in directing ourselves towards a sustainable future. It argues that, when nature is seen as part of a humans self image it is protected. Hurting nature, means hurting ourselves.
Natural areas became an important place for solace and social gathering during the pandemic, but unveiled a dissonance between human+nature relationship and the people+forest interaction. Reports of destruction, littering and accidents echoed in media all through the year. The hypothesis of this project was this- it is the emotional disconnection from nature that creates these devastating effects. Littering is an effect of disconnection from nature.
To become local means to merge ones self with a place, and this project has explored the bond between human and nature, how our emotional relationship to place affect how we care for it, and in what ways we embody that care. It grew into making the bonding practices which braid human and nature together tangible.
It is through exposing its meaning that nature is protected, and to do so we need to listen to its stories, which is our stories. And that is how we become local.
Becoming Local