My project
SC Vega
Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS) is a voluntary organization that is responsible for almost all sea rescue missions in Sweden. In the past year, the organisation received an increased number of mission as a result of, among other things, more Swedes choosing to celebrate summers at home in Sweden.
My thesis revolves around how to use modern technology in order to design a remotely controlled rescue vessel that can facilitate SSRS during less urgent missions, so-called membership missions, or preventive rescue missions as they are also called. These missions make up the majority of the organizations missions.
The project has been carried out in collaboration with the Swedish Sea Rescue Society and has followed a classic design methodology based on research and interviews with people who touch on the chosen problem area. A big inspiration source during the project was my tutor Fredrik Falkman, industrial designer and head of innovation at SSRS. Back in 2002 he proved that a student can make a contribution to sea rescue when he designed the Rescuerunner, SSRS´s tailor-made jet ski. This motovated me to develop a concept that would contribute to the future of sea rescue.
SC Vega, Support Craft Vega, is a remotely controlled rescue vessel tailored-made for membership missions. It enables rescuers who are physically unable to participate in sea rescue to do so, and at the same time makes it easier for rescuers on site so that they can more easily focus their resources on more serious missions. SC Vega offers the person in need of help a series of functions and tools that can solve the majority of the problems that are the cause for membership missions.
SC Vega

SC Vega side view


Retractable arm

Interactive tray

Ecejtable water pump


Top view

Front top view

Rear top view


Waterpump drawing

Fuel nozzles

Technical layout