Concept app Må - Start page
Most of us have heard it before. The importance of working out for both the physical and mental health. Still 47% of all Swedes feels unhappy with their body. The primary reason among the younger participants of the study was the body’s appearance which working out is closely connected to.
Since I was little, I have been part of organized sports. Me and more than a hundred thousand girls went to soccer practice many times a week to play with our friends. But just as almost 1/3 of all girls that played, I stopped during my late teenage years. During a time filled with change in many aspects of life we lost a big part of our identity, which sport tends to become. What happens to work out after this? After being part of an environment where the main focus usually is to have fun and practice the sport you love. How do you find a new path into moving your body?
Many people struggle with their relationship to the body. This relationship can be the reason why you start moving after you have quit your sport but can also be the reason that you avoid working out because you do not want to start thinking about changing the body to fit into a mold.
I created a workout app called Må. To shift the focus from working out to change the body to working out because it feels good and makes you happy. By changing the way we track a workout to the way we value one I hope to inspire to another way of moving the body.

App Overview

From wireframe to usable app

Leaflet to illustrate the problem

Clustering information from interviews

App user planning her workout