Degree Project 2022

The future is green. The future is uncertain. If the population keeps growing at the same rate as now, we will meet a food shortage in the future. It isn’t enough space to grow the food. To overcome this the growing are now moving indoor and up.

Vertical farming, the growing of food upwards and by that be growing more on less space, have been gaining a lot of popularity the last years as a solution to this problem. But what is the problems within this fast-growing business. Is there a way to make this green future to a more certain one.

The goal with SEMIRAMIS is to make it easier to take the technology and vison of vertical farming and making it a reality. To make the vertical future to a vertical now by making it an easy to work with workplace both for the machines, humans and the plants.

Stina Nilsson

Bachelor's Programme in Industrial Design
Foto från en gurkodling Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Photo of cucumber cultivation

Bild från en salladsodling i ett växthus Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Photo of greenhouse lettuce cultivation

Bild på sallad som odlas i växthus och växtbelysningen är tänd Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Photo of lettuce under LED cultivation lamps

Foto på en hydroponiskt vertikal odling Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Photo from Containing Greens. Exemple of hydroponic vertical farming

Illustration Image:Umeå Institute of Design

SEMIRAMIS is designed to grow with the crops and move with the workflow. This by adding movement both horizontal and vertical

Illustration Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Sketch exploration

Skisser på krukor som det går odla i Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Sketches of the grow trays

Illustration Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Sketch of the scenario of how SEMIRAMIS moves in the room from sowing to harvest and cleaning

Illustration Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Sketch of an scenario of how the workflow would look

Illustration Image:Umeå Institute of Design

SEMIRAMIS with lettuce in different growing stages

Illustration Image:Umeå Institute of Design

SEMIRAMIS in context. Showing a farmer doing quality cheeking by shrinking the cultivation device to an easier to work size

Illustration Image:Umeå Institute of Design

SEMIRAMIS without the LED lamps