Detail 01
Prolonged downtimes at harbors can significantly impact revenue by causing extended delays. This challenge poses a hurdle for many harbors in adopting electric harbor vehicles, mainly due to their lengthy charging times. Furthermore, frequent fast charging can wear down batteries, reducing their overall lifespan. Verto is a battery swapping vehicle designed specifically to reduce unnecessary downtime. Its primary function is to deliver, exchange and return empty batteries for recharging from the harbor vehicles. Additionally, the system includes a battery hub, serving as a central location for recharging and storing of batteries, awaiting their next operational cycle.
Verto: Revolutionizing Harbors with Swift Battery Swapping for Electric Vehicles
In the dynamic world of maritime logistics, harbors play a crucial role in the seamless flow of goods and commodities across the globe. However, the specter of prolonged downtimes looms over these hubs, threatening to dent revenues and disrupt operations. A culprit behind these extended delays is the slow charging process of electric harbor vehicles, a hurdle that impedes their widespread adoption. With Verto we present a solution, specifically crafted to alleviate the challenges associated with prolonged downtimes, ensuring a more efficient and sustainable harbor ecosystem; battery swapping.
One of the primary obstacles in the path of electric harbor vehicles is their protracted charging times. Traditional charging methods, while effective, often demand hours to recharge. This lag in charging can lead to extended downtimes, hindering the swift movement of cargo and impacting the revenue streams of harbors.
To better understand the complex business of logistics and shipping we conducted field studies at an industrial harbor in Umeå, Kvarken Ports. By seeing this industry up close in person we could understand real issues that caused problems for the operators of the harbor. We gathered valuable information about the processes surrounding loading and unloading incoming ships. Through this hands-on research we understood that the underlying problem of going electric for operations such as Kvarken Ports is extended downtime.
We conducted interviews with industry professionals in an effort to understand the current market for electric industrial vehicles. Namely we talked with Per-Erik Johansson from Kalmar Global and got valuable insights into how operations and more specifically Kvarkens vehicles operate and could operate if they were electric. Understanding the existing electric alternatives on the market was crucial in establishing a benchmark for battery capacity and charge infrastructure.
With the help of sketching we wanted to explore multiple directions regarding handling of the swappable batteries. We worked with an open mind and used quick doodles to communicate our ideas visually. The work was centered around workshops that we did internally in the group. We sketched out multiple ideas and then talked and debated the pro’s and con’s of each. Sketching and doodling in this phase was good to keep an open mind about potential solutions, but we strived to move into physical mockups to really evaluate these ideas.
During the concepting phase, in order to evaluate the potential solutions identified during our early ideation and explore their mechanical requirements to a certain extent, we quite quickly in the process brought out LEGO and built rapid and basic prototypes. By doing this we got a rather good understanding of the limitations and opportunities of each concept as we brought them into a physical format.
Deeper into the project we also decided to map out the different measurements in a 1:10 scale. We used a paper mockup of the swapper vehicles top view and laser cut MDF boards, to resemble the batteries. They were then not only used to check and decide the measurements but also to understand the batteries journey through the swapper vehicle.
Verto's core functionality revolves around the swift exchange of batteries for electric harbor vehicles. Instead of waiting for a vehicle's battery to charge, Verto delivers a fully charged battery to the harbor vehicle, simultaneously retrieving the depleted one. This exchange process is not only rapid but also seamless, reducing downtime significantly. By eliminating the need for extensive charging periods, Verto empowers harbors to maintain an uninterrupted workflow, ensuring timely cargo handling and transport.
Beyond the efficiency of battery swapping, Verto introduces the concept of battery hubs. These hubs act as a nerve center for the recharging and storage of batteries, strategically positioned to serve the fleet of electric harbor vehicles. The hub streamlines the process of managing and maintaining a pool of charged batteries, ready to be deployed for the next operational cycle. Through advanced monitoring and management systems, Verto ensures that each battery is in optimal condition, maximizing its lifespan. This innovative approach addresses a critical concern associated with frequent fast charging – the accelerated wear and tear of batteries.
Furthermore, Verto's design takes into account the diverse needs of harbors, offering a scalable and adaptable solution. The modular nature of the battery swapping system allows harbors to customize the deployment according to their specific requirements. Whether dealing with a small fleet or a large-scale operation, Verto provides the flexibility needed to seamlessly integrate into existing harbor infrastructures.
In conclusion, Verto emerges as a new solution for harbors struggling with the challenges of prolonged downtimes associated with electric harbor vehicles. Its innovative battery swapping mechanism, coupled with a battery hub, addresses the core issues of slow charging and battery wear, paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable harbor ecosystem. As the maritime industry embraces the shift towards electrification, Verto stands as a beacon of progress, ensuring that harbors can navigate the seas of change with resilience and efficiency.
Siri Müller
Mårten Malmnäs

Detail 02

Detail 03

Detail 04

Result 01

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Result 03

Final result