
Vehicle Concept Design (TD1) 2023

Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents. The three phases of the interior, in which the seats gradually deform and stretch out, correspond to the inspiration of flowers gradually blooming, and the passengers start to open their hearts and minds, lose themselves in mutual communication and the exotic scenery outside the car to achieve a kind of focusing, thus realizing the hitting mung. The concept is based on L5 level autonomous driving, the corners of the interior can bend to allow the sides to unfold for different sitting positions, just like blooming. The driver's seat can be rotated, and the manual driving option is available via a controller on the console.

‘Hitting Mung’ – What if a South Korean wellness trend inspired sustainable automobility in 2030?

TD1 - 15 hp - ten weeks - fall term 2023


The general ambition was to envision how a very particular wellness trend originated in South Korea could inspire the creation of multiple automotive concepts for the Hyundai brand. What if the user experience with the vehicle could help people to take care of themselves, spacing out and recharging their mental capacity to better cope with stress and the day-to-day challenges? ‘Hitting Mung’ can be compared to meditation and mindfulness, a principle also found in Zen Buddhism.


Vehicle design methodology going from basic information gathering, concept definition, 2D ideation, concept selection, 3D development and presentation phases were covered. Students worked in teams of two, defining interior and exterior attributes for a shared concept.

Zhou Ying

Master's Programme in Transportation Design

Saurav Tadke

Master's Programme in Transportation Design
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.
Bloom is designed to provide a place for permanent rural residents to establish relationship between newly relocated city residents.