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About the unit of Economic History

The unit of Economic History is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Umeå University. There is a strong connection between the teaching provided and the research conducted at the unit. This enables students to gain updated knowledge in Economic History and to exchange thoughts and ideas with teachers who have long experience in the field.

The unit offers programs and courses in Economic History and the discipline is also included in several programs provided by other departments at Umeå University. The unit is located in the Social Science Building at the main campus.

Economic History studies how material conditions and opportunities for livelihood have affected social development over a long-term perspective. Thus, the dynamics of economic, social and political change is at the center of Economic History as a discipline.

Theoretically and methodologically, economic history has its roots in both political history, economics and general social science. The subject uses both quantitative and qualitative methods.

Methodological skills include knowledge of relevant historical contexts and institutional conditions as well as the ability to collect and critically assess different types of historical data. This means that the Economic Historian has a unique competence when it comes to studying and analyzing complex socio-economical historical processes, which is also highly relevant when studying various issues in present-day society,


Helen Strömberg
Associate professor
Latest update: 2022-10-31