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News from the Arctic Centre


Formas distributes millions to Arctic researchers
Published: 2020-12-14

6 Arcum-affiliated researchers will have their research projects funded by Formas during 2021–2024

Exotic microbes stimulate carbon emissions from permafrost soil
Published: 2020-11-30

In the study in Nature Geoscience, nearly 40 per cent increase in carbon dioxide emissions was observed.

Forest based biofuels for Sustainable Arctic Marine Shipping
Published: 2020-11-25

Dalia Abdelfattah was recently granted a 3 years funding by FORMAS for Arctic sustainability

Arcum-affiliated Hanna Blåhed finalist in My Northern Project
Published: 2020-10-23

Hanna Blåhed selected to present her project at the UArctic Congress 2021

EU-PolarNet white papers and research program
Published: 2020-10-20

Two white papers on stakeholders and infrastructure as well as European Polar Research Programme published

Peter Sköld on European Polar Board Executive Committee
Published: 2020-10-20

Arcums Director Peter Sköld elected into the Executive Committee at European Polar Board Plenary Meeting

Health consequences if mine opens
Published: 2020-10-16

New report describing health effects of potential mining establishment in Kallak

Two affiliated in scientific reference group
Published: 2020-10-15

Arcum affiliates Sven Bergström and Sven-Arne Silfverdal are in the reference group for covid-19 vaccine

Need for protection of endangered raptors migration routes
Published: 2020-10-13

The mapping of birds' migratory routes in Fennoscandia is now published

Arctic knowledge and research platform presented in NyTeknik
Published: 2020-10-09

The magazine presents a collaboration that aims to understand the challenges in Arctic climate

The government's strategy for the arctic region
Published: 2020-10-06

On September 29, the government presented its strategy for the arctic region 2020

New report on the urban aspects of Arctic tourism
Published: 2020-10-05

A new report that highlights the situation of urban tourism in the Arctic

Best wishes to the International Arctic School in Yakutsk
Published: 2020-09-04

Arcum and UArctic send best wishes during the inauguration of the International Arctic School

An affiliate's research in The Guardian
Published: 2020-08-26

On August 25, the English newspaper reported on earthworms in Arctic and Jonatan Klaminder's research

System analysis thinking for Arctic Sustainability
Published: 2020-08-21

Arctic sustainability was the topic in focus on the System analysis thinking for Arctic Sustainability webinar

Latest update: 2023-12-20