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Rehabilitation Medicine

Rehabilitation Medicine includes treatment by multiprofessional teams with a view to minimize impairment and disability, and maximize participation and quality of life after serious diseases and trauma.

More specifically, qualified rehabilitation interventions are indicated for persons with extensive activity limitations due to long term pain, impairments of the central or peripheral nervous system, decreased movement ability or decreased multiple body functions, both congenital and acquired.

The rehabilitation process is built on a comprehensive view of the person with a disability and his/her situation with both medical and social goals. Rehabilitation medicine is increasingly characterized by a neurobiological framework, but is at the same time emphasizing a holistic view stressing the importance of combined interventions of a medical, psychological, social and work related nature.

A team-oriented interdisciplinary interventional model is characteristic for the area. The ultimate goal of rehabilitation medicine is to empower persons with impairments and disability to become active participants in life and society and thus contribute to restore life satisfaction for the individual.

Latest update: 2023-01-12