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Research within the humanities needs to be seen, disseminated, and debated upon to have any impact. We are therefore working both within the university world and with society in general. Our researchers and teachers are active within several interdisciplinary fields and actively participate in culture and society debates as well as popular science and research information.

Collaboration within the university world

Departmental staff are involved in many courses and programmes in other subjects, units and faculties at the University; for example within cognitive science in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Many of our researchers are also active in interdisciplinary research fields, research centres and the Humanities Computing Lab (Humlab). We also collaborate with the research programme at the Umeå Centre for Gender Studies and the Faculty's graduate school activities.

Collaboration with society

We collaborate with municipalities, schools, as well as different foundations, associations and museums. Our teachers and researchers actively engage in the local community through lectures, media collaboration (newspapers, TV, radio, internet) and through popular science research information. Many of our researchers have published books via commercial publishers. The Environmental Archaeology Laboratory, MAL, provides research services to businesses, societies and government organizations. SEAD, the Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database provides public open access to data on past environmental change and human impact.

Head of Department

Jonas Nilsson
Associate professor
Latest update: 2019-05-08