Swedish name: Engelska A, Academic Writing
This syllabus is valid: 2024-12-30 and until further notice
Course code: 1EN066
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
English: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Language Studies
Established by: Faculty director of studies, Faculty of arts, 2014-09-19
Revised by: Head of Department of Language Studies, 2024-09-13
The course focus is on the analysis and practice of genres and text types. Included are genre-awareness tasks, written exercises that focus on linguistic elements of English as connected to rhetorical tasks, and analyses of text functions via online group discussions and individual outlining. Students will compose texts of various rhetorical structures, participate in peer review, revise final drafts, and receive instructor feedback on each text. Generally students focus on the texts of their own discourse, including the writing of such texts.
The course consists of a shorter introductory part, followed by two in-depth parts:
1. Introduction (1.5 credits)
2. Description, process, and classification (3.5 credits)
3. Argumentation and comparison (2.5 credits)
In order to be awarded a 'Pass' grade, the student must be able to
Knowledge and Understanding:
Judgment and Approach
Upper Secondary Course: English 6 or English B and at least two semesters (60 ects) of university studies.
As the course is taught entirely in English, an exemption will be made from the general entry requirements for university studies in Sweden, in so far as the upper secondary course Swedish 3 / Swedish B will not be required for admission to this course.
As this course is entirely net-based, students must have access to a computer in order to be able to complete the course assignments. For information about minimum computer and internet access requirements, please see www.sprak.umu.se/student/dokument.
Part 1:. Continual examination of written work and participation in group discussions. The final assessment for the course takes into account the student's active participation in seminar discussions as well as the written work submitted.
Part 2: Continual examination of written work and participation in group discussions. The final assessment for the course takes into account the student's active participation in seminar discussions as well as the written work submitted.
Part 3: Continual examination of written work and participation in group discussions. The final assessment for the course takes into account the student's active participation in seminar discussions as well as the written work submitted.
Deviations from modes of examination in the course plan can be made for a student who has been determined eligible for pedagogical support due to a disability. Individual adjustments to the mode of examination will be made on the basis of the student's needs. The mode of examination is adjusted in relation to the expected learning outcomes in the course plan. Following a request from the student, the course coordinator, in consultation with the examiner, is to make a decision within 1o days regarding an adjusted mode of examination. The decision is relayed to the student.
The grades awarded for module 1 of this course are "Pass" (Godkänd or "Fail" (Underkänd).
The grades awarded for module 2 and 3 of this course are "Pass" (Godkänd), "Pass with distinction" (Väl godkänd) or "Fail" (Underkänd).
In order to be awarded a Pass with distinction on the whole course, a student must have achieved this grade in modules 2 and 3
All examination is conducted in English
A student who has been awarded a Pass grade cannot be re-examined
A student who has not received a Pass grade on an exam has the right to re-take the exam (a re-sit) on a course on which they have ever been registered. The first re-sit shall be offered no later than two months after the regular exam, but no earlier than ten working days after the result of that exam has been announced. For tests held in May or June, the first re-sit may be offered within three months of the regular exam. The date for the re-sit shall be announced no later than in conjunction with the regular exam. At least one more re-sit shall be offered within a year of the regular exam. The first re-sit has to be offered no later than 2 months after the first exam and no earlier than 10 working days after the students have been informed of the result of the first exam.
At least one more re-sit must be offered within a year after the first exam. In cases where a test cannot be repeated according to rules in effect regarding re-sits, it will be replaced with another task. The scope and content of such a task should be proportionate to the missed test. An examiner may decide that a student who has not quite met the examination requirements, but is close to a Pass grade, be given the opportunity to take a supplementary examination to achieve the Pass grade. Such an examination shall be individually tailored to the goal(s) that the student has not met, and shall be arranged within two weeks after the result of the examination has been announced, but before the next examination session. A supplementary examination can only raise a Fail grade to a Pass grade; award of a grade higher than Pass is not allowed. If the student so wishes, they have the right to take a re-sit instead of a supplementary examination, which gives them the opportunity to achieve a Pass with Distinction.
The final date for the submission/completion of assignments falls on the last day of the semester, unless otherwise stated by the teacher. At all examination sessions, tasks and assignments need to be completed and submitted within the time frame set by the teacher in order to be considered for examination. Tasks and assignments submitted late will not be considered for examination, and the student is instead referred to the next examination session.
A student who has been accepted for this course can take the examination(s) involved according to the syllabus that was current at the time of their acceptance for up to two years after that syllabus is replaced or the course is discontinued.
Bailey Stephen
Academic writing : a handbook for international students
Fifth edition : London : Routledge : [2018] : 312 sidor :
ISBN: 9781138048744
Search the University Library catalogue
Writing for Success
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing :
Reading instructions: Reading instructions: or:
Wallwork Adrian
English for Writing Research Papers
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, LCC : 2011 : xxii, 325 s. :
ISBN: 9781441979216 (pbk)
Search the University Library catalogue
Both books are available as e-book at Umeå University library
Articles, book chapters, etc. are added according to the teacher's instructions.