Swedish name: Genus och arbete
This syllabus is valid: 2022-06-27 and until further notice
Course code: 2KC031
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Gender Studies: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Three-grade scale
Responsible department: Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS)
Revised by: Director of Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS), 2022-06-22
This course introduces the area of gender and work. The relation between production and reproduction is explored over time, as well as the processes of inclusion and exclusion in the labour market. Dealing with issues such as the historical and intersectional dimension of welfare politics, activation policies, migration and care work the course explores how gender and other structuring categories relate to reproductive and productive practices. What is work? How do norms of wage work govern the ideas of equality and welfare? What are global care chains and how do they emerge? How come unequal conditions are maintained and reinforced in family and work organizations and how can these be challenged?
Having completed the course, the students are expected to have the ability to:
Knowledge and understanding
After the course, the student is expected to:
Skills and Abilities
After completing the course, the students shall:
Judgement and approach
Upon completion of the course, the student shall:
To be admitted to the course applicants must have completed three semesters of full time studies, equivalent to 90 ECTS, of which at least 15 ECTS must be an independent project or four semesters of full time studies equivalent to 120 ECTS.
English proficiency equivalent to English A/6 from Swedish Upper secondary education.
The course focuses on active learning, i.e. putting knowledge into practice and critically reflecting upon the knowledge. Different strategies for teaching and learning will be used, such as lectures, group discussions and various forms of individual and group exercises on selected topics. To pass the course the student is expected to actively participate in all seminars and to pass the final examination
Examination takes place through fulfilment of two parts:
1) Mandatory assignments during the course
2) Individual written assignment.
For part 1 the grades are Fail (U) or Pass (G). For part 2, as well as for the whole course, the grades are Fail (U), Pass (G) and Pass with Distinction (VG). The grade for the whole course in based on the examination of part 2. The whole course is not graded until part 1 is fulfilled.
Students have the right to apply to have a previous education or experience evaluated for transfer of credits. For more
information, see: www.umu.se/utbildning/antagning/tillgodoraknande/
Acker Joan
Inequality regimes: gender, class, and race in organizations.
Included in:
Gender & society[Elektronisk resurs]b published in association with Sociologists for Women in Society
Thousand Oaks, Ca : Sage : 2000- : 20 : pages 441-464 :
Reading instructions: https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243206289499
Anderson Bridget
Just another job? Paying for domestic work
Included in:
Gender and development
[Oxford] : Oxfam : 1996- : pages 25-33 :
Collins Jane L.
Mapping a global labor market : gender and skill in the globalizing garment industry
Included in:
Gender & society.
Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage : 1987- :
Reading instructions: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/3081941.pdf?refreqid=excelsior%3Aed875fdb4fdc7b3107c0de4a8d2b0b54&ab_segments=&origin=&acceptTC=1Links to an external site.
Fraser Nancy
Contradictions of capital and care
Included in:
New left review.
London,c 1960- : 1960- :
Reading instructions: https://newleftreview.org/issues/ii100/articles/nancy-fraser-contradictions-of-capital-and-care
Care, Gender and Migration: Towards a Theory of Transnational Domestic Work Migration in Europe
Lutz Helma, Palenga-Möllenbeck Ewa
Included in:
Journal of contemporary European studies..
Abingdon (Taylor&Francis Ltd, 4 Park Sq., Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN) : Carfax : 003- : v. : 25 cm. : pages 349-364 :
Beyond the Global Care Chain: Boundaries, Institutions and Ethics of Care
Nguyen Minh T. N., Zavoretti Roberta, Tronto Joan
Included in:
Ethics & social welfare
2007- : pages 199-212 :
Parreñas Rhacel Salazar
The reproductive labour of migrant workers.
Included in:
Global networks
Oxford : Blackwell : 2001- : 12(2) : pages 269-275 :
Tornhill Sofie
Capital Visions: Scripting Progress and Work in Nicaraguan Free-Trade Zones
Included in:
Latin American perspectives
Berverly Hills, Calif. : Sage : 1974- : 38 : pages 74-92 :
Reading instructions: https://doi.org/10.1177/0094582X10390632
Careers Delivered from the Kitchen? : Immigrant Women Small-scale Entrepreneurs Working in the Growing Nordic Platform Economy
Webster Natasha A, Zhang Qian
Included in:
Stockholm : Taylor & Francis : 1993- : pages 113-125 :
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/08038740.2020.1714725?needAccess=true&role=buttonLinks to an external site.
Reading instructions: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/08038740.2020.1714725?needAccess=true&role=button
Williams Fiona
Migration and Care: Themes, Concepts and Challenges
Included in:
Social policy and society :[Elektronisk resurs]b a journal of the Social Policy Association.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press : 2002- : 9 : pages 385-396 :
Reading instructions: https://doi-org.proxy.ub.umu.se/10.1017/S1474746410000102