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Prototyping Interaction, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Prototyper för interaktion

This syllabus is valid: 2020-09-28 and until further notice

Course code: 2IN401

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Informatics: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Informatics

Established by: Head of Department of Informatics, 2020-09-23


The course introduces students to current issues, concepts, methods and tools for prototype creation in Human Computer Interaction (HCI). The central theme of the course is how different interaction contexts involve different conditions for prototyping as part of the design work. The course includes both theory and practical methods, as well as tools for creating prototypes. The course touches on topics such as digital fabrication, virtual reality, graphical user interfaces, interactive locations, and platforms for creating prototypes of interactive objects. Through theoretical and applied work, the course provides perspectives on the role of prototypes in both research and practice.

Expected learning outcomes

Regarding knowledge and understanding the student is, after the course, expected to be able to:
1. Describe the main prototyping techniques and tools in the field of HCI.
2. Explain the purposes of using prototypes throughout an interaction design project.
Regarding proficiency and aptitude the student is, after the course, expected to be able to:
3. Develop prototypes using a variety of methods, materials, and tools.
4. Analyze developed prototypes by assessing their strengths and limitations.
Regarding evaluative capacity and approach the student is, after the course, expected to be able to:
5. Evaluate the suitability of different prototyping methods and tools for specific interaction contexts.

Required Knowledge

Admission to the course requires 90 credits in Informatics, Computer science, Information Systems, Cognitive science, or equivalent studies. Also required is English B/6

Form of instruction

Teaching is normally done in the form of lectures, seminars, group exercises and supervision in connection with self-studies. During the course necessary computer applications, which students shall use on their own, are introduced and maintained. Some assistance is given in the use of these applications. Some course segments may be compulsory. Teaching is normally done in English. Good ability in written presentation and English is important in order to be able to complete the course.

Examination modes

Examination is done in the form of individual assignments, seminars and a group project. Final grades are Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U).

For students who fail the first exam a second exam is normally given soon afterwards. Students who do not pass the exam after these two attempts have the possibility to take the exam during subsequent re-exam periods.

A student who has failed twice on a course, or part of a course, is entitled to ask for another examiner, unless there are special reasons against it. Requests for new examiners are made to the Director of studies.

If special reasons exist, the examiner has the right to decide on another examination form.


Valid from: 2020 week 40

Koskinen Ilpo Kalevi
Design research through practice : from the lab, field, and showroom
Waltham, MA : Morgan Kaufmann : cop. 2011 : 204 s. :
ISBN: 9780123855022
Search the University Library catalogue

Articles, research reports and extracts from journals (provided by the department).