Swedish name: Masterprogrammet i Kognitionsvetenskap
This programme syllabus is valid: HT22 and until further notice
Programme code: SAKVM
Credit points: 120
Registration number: FS 3.1.3-1885-21
Responsible faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
Revised by: Faculty Board of Social Sciences, 2021-09-29
A Bachelor´s degree from an internationally recognized university. 90 ECTS in any Cognitive Science subject, for example Psychology , Computer Science, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy. At least 15 ECTS must be clearly connected to the field of cognition. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.
After completed study programme, a student who has applied for a degree certificate can obtain a Master of Science (60 credits) according to the local qualification descriptor established by the Vice-Chancellor (see Umeå University's web site). The Swedish translation of Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) is Filosofie magisterexamen. The degree is awarded in the main field of Cognitive Science (kognitionsvetenskap).
After completed study programme, a student who has applied for a degree certificate can obtain
a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) according to the local qualification descriptor established by the Vice-Chancellor (see Umeå University's web site). The Swedish translation of Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) is Filosofie masterexamen. The degree is awarded in the main field of Cognitive Science (kognitionsvetenskap).
This education is offered on second cycle level. The targets for second-cycle courses and study programmes can be found in Chapter 1, Section 9 of the Higher Education Act.
The national targets for the degree can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance, Appendix 2.
For Master of Science Degree 60 ECTS, the student should be able to
- demonstrate an understanding of, and ability to explain and apply, the theories, methods and practical skills necessary to from a cognitive science perspective study and work with natural and artificial cognitive systems, and
- actively and independently assess her/his own learning needs and develop her/his skills, abilities and knowledge in cognitive science.
The student should also
- show ability to communicate in English in the field of cognitive science and
- show ability to from a gender perspectives problematize and analyze the program's central theories and concepts.
For Master of Science Degree 120 ECTS, the student should be able to
- demonstrate an understanding of, and ability to explain and apply, the theories, methods and practical skills necessary to from a cognitive science perspective study and work with natural and artificial cognitive systems, and
- actively and independently assess her/his own learning needs and develop her/his skills, abilities and knowledge in cognitive science,
- analyze, evaluate, and design / develop cognitive systems, and
- participate in research and development work in cognitive science.
The student should also
- show ability to communicate in English in the field of cognitive science and
- show ability to from a gender perspectives problematize and analyze the program's central theories and concepts
Each course syllabus states what examination formats are to be used in each course.
Each course syllabus states what grades are to be used in each course. Those who pass an exam may not retake the exam for a higher grade.
Student who considers themselves to possess knowledge from previous relevant studies or professional or vocational experience that can be comparable to a course or part of a course inthe study programme, can apply for transfer of credits. Approved transfer of credits means that the student does not need to take the or those parts of the education that the decision covers. Information about transfer of credits can be found on Umeå University's web site.
The program covers four semesters, however the student can conclude the studies after one year with a Degree of Master 60 credits. Under the heading Outline i shown which courses are compulsory and which courses are electives.
Compulsory courses are courses that all students within the study programme normally take. A student who takes a study programme is guaranteed a place on all compulsory courses under the condition that the entry requirements for the course in question have been met. Entry requirements are stated in each course syllabus.
Elective courses are a selection of courses that Umeå University offers within the scope of the programme. Students choose themselves which of these courses they wish to register for. A student is guaranteed a place on one of these courses under the condition that the entry requirements for the course in question have been met. Nevertheless, students cannot be guaranteed a place on the courses of their first choice. Entry requirements are stated in each course syllabus.
Optional courses in a study programme are applied for in competition with all other applicants. Optional courses can be taken at Umeå University or any other higher education institution in Sweden or abroad.
Choise of elective courses is made in consultation with the Program Coordinator or the Study Advisor. The courses are shown in the Outline in order, the order of the courses may be subject to change. All teaching is in English.
Compulsory courses
Scientific Perspectives and Research Design 7,5 credits; The problem of consciousness: Philosophical and empirical aspects 7,5 credits; Central Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience 7,5 credits; Language and Cognition, 7,5 credits; Higher Cognitive Functions, 7,5 credits; Theoretical Perspectives in Cognitive Science, 7,5 credits. Master Thesis, 15 credits, are compulsory course for Master´s Degree 60 credits. For Master´s Degree 120 credits is also Data Collection and Analysis 7,5 credits; Brain Imaging, 7,5 credits; and Master Thesis in Cognitive Science, 30 credits required .
Information about deferment of studies can be found on Umeå University's web site.
Information about leave from studies can be found on Umeå University's web site. The application is submitted to the program coordinator.
Information about non-completion can be found on Umeå University's web site. Students who interrupt their education shall notify their dropout to the Program Coordinator.
Access to courses in the program is governed by the course syllabus.
To find out what compulsory, elective and optional courses are, please read under the section "General" above.
Scientific Perspectives and Research Design 7,5 credits Compulsory | Higher Cognitive Functions 7,5 credits Compulsory |
The problem of consciousness: Philosophical and empirical aspects 7,5 credits Compulsory | Language and Cognition 7,5 credits Compulsory |
Theoretical Perspectives in Cognitive Science 7,5 credits Compulsory | Central Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience 7,5 credits Compulsory |
Master Thesis15 credits Compulsory |
For studies towards Master´s Degree 120 credits
Optional courses 7,5 credits | Optional courses 7,5 credits |
Data Collection and Analysis, 7,5 credtis Compulsory | Brain Imaging 7,5 credits |
For studies towards Master´s Degree 120 credits
Master Thesis 30 credits